Pets In Need
I was born in Sendai, and grew up in Yokohama, Japan.
I'm a closet librarian! (Got my Master's in Library Science in '02...)
I'm not religious but I understand spirituality. I'm always in search for the ultimate freedom, peace and love. I know that we are all connected - so what you do for humanity impacts me, and everyone else.
I don't like negativity, it's draining, and I know it diseases us. But negative and positive energies work in parallels.. So they co-exist.. We're often surrounded by an environment that promotes fear and other negative vibes. We should work towards becoming positive influences and be more aware of what's happening around us. I think I'm a compassionate and (overly) observant person, but I am contantly working towards living in the "now"..
Like many people, music is my passion. There is a primal energy source in music that transcends our physical human bind. There's beauty and unity in the groove we feel, and I love that it can break boundaries.