About Me
I guess ultimately my head is split in half between two mindsets, I switch in and out of them quite frequently. One which tells me that the world we live in is disgusting and cruel, and that we as a human race have the responsability to erradicate that which is evil from it, through social change, learning, and ultimately some sort of evolution if not revolution. The other half of me kicks in at other certain times of the day, it reminds me to acknowledge and what I have at the moment, breathing in all the beautiful things everyday life has to offer me. I appreciate many things which the majority of people on this Earth take for granted. Its this side of me that keeps me happy. I love life in every way as I love trying new things. I strive to live and to attempt to better things for others, so they can know the world that I do. I believe heavily in animal rights, as well as social equality. I draw no lines between the two or ever question how any living creature should be treated or its right to live or have equality amongst others. Having said that, I also believe in anarchy. Not chaos or revolution through violence, but the inexistence of any sort of government which whould oppress and deny our human right to make our own decisions. I dont hate anybody, but get upset at the following: egocentrism, falsety, consumerism, violence, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, any sort of discrimination, resignation, and conformity. Laze is a plague, we must all eventually learn to crawl out of our social shells and face the reality that surrounds us, and learn to embrace it.