Scuba, beaches, good food, music, drinking, guitar, b-movies, tripping, Vice City! new business opportunities, astrology, cars, everything under the sun! Don't discriminate much!
Interesting, intellectually stimulating people with a lively sense of wit and an appreciation for the absurdity that we call reality, a mind free from the prejudice of closed thought and with the capacity to hold a decent, perhaps even challenging discourse, people who appreciate la dulce vita yet can still thrive in squalor, people who will stand by you to weather the worst of storms and all the excrement that fate can throw in your face, because they know that were the tables turned, they could trust you to do the same, people who like mirrors, reflect the best in you.
Too many! New wave, punk/post-punk, 80s, reggae, some rap/hip-hop, trance/techno, rock, almost everything! just not country and Matt Monroe!
B-movies, gangster/mob films, indie films, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, martial arts movies, adventure flicks... anyone up for an Indiana Jones marathon?
Discovery Channel, Tech TV, NOW TV (Quake Republic!), FTV, Cartoon Network, as for shows, 24, farscape, the sopranos, the equalizer
LOTR, Le Petit Prince and other De-Saint Exupery books, JD Salinger's works, also Paolo Coelho, Neil Gaiman, Robert Heinlen, Phillip K. Dick, Raymond Chandler, Preston & Child, Harry Turtledove, Raymond Kiyosaki, and many more!