Likes: Ryne, McKenzye, Abie, Aisha and all of the other kids in my life, Guitar Hero, Text Messages,
Cute Earrings, Johnny Knoxville, Chicago Cubs, Sweet Tea, Naps, cleaning (yes, I'm a weirdo),
My Mom's Fried Chicken (yummy!), Rearranging My Furniture, Razorback football, Old Cartoons, Cuddling, Laughing,
Sammy and Paris, Pink, Sunsets, Rum, Pictures, Pickles, Butterflies, Daisies, Giraffes and having people around me who really know me and love me anyway :-)
DisLikes: People who lie, tomatoes, the sound of my alarm clocks, crying, spiders, Forwards, blow-up things people put in their yards, people who drive slow in the fast lane, waiting in line and a few other things
If you want to know anything else, just sent me a message and ask :-)