AWWW POOP profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

HELLO to all who have found the most glorious website in all the land. My Myspace page. Seriously if you are reading this you are a looser. Cause I'm not that cool. If you are wondering what i do for a livig i do nothing, i am a retired United States Marine, thats RIGHT ladies RETIRED. Tell you Friends! Dont go thinking i am going to by you nice things i'm not rich i live on a fixed income like most retirees. I am also trying to get in to firefighting but i got some school ahead of me but those are just details young GRASSHOPPER. I am on myspace becuase i got bored in japan one day and came to realize that 90 percent of eveyone i know has a myspace account and what an ez way to stay in touch and annoy all my ol friends with random pictures of crack whore, black men in tutu's, and of course animals masterbating (They dont know its a sin). If you are wondering what i look for in a women, you are on the wrong persons page. Not because i thinking internet dating is one of the stupids things anyone has ever thought.(Seriously the internet is responsible for 87.2 Percent of all STD in america. True factoid.) But because i have incrediable high standards due to my impeccably good looks. Those of you who know me know what i am and what i am like so i dont think i am going to write anything else because i dont want to.I got my layout at

My Interests

Anything to do with sports, fishing, camping,playing cards(poker,spads,blackjack), riding stuff wheels, legs (like horses you perverts) whatever.

I'd like to meet:

Whom ever cross my path during Life.


I don't really listen to music i kind of just hear it. Thats right I said i am not a music fan! DUNT DUNT DA! I will almost put anything on except Techno, WOW Techno who in the Fuck made that crap up, it sucks period. Sorry Pinke its true. I do like to hear small time bands and Dale S. Miller unplugged and of course some Metal skool.


Anything that will make me laugh or a good action flick. I love the Die Hard's, Rocky, 8 second, Tombstone, and any War movie. Super Troopers, Out Cold, Friday, Dazed and Confused, Old School, The new Bad News Bears, Bad Santa and the list goes on, But the best movie of all is The BIG LEBOWSKI.


Favorite show is hands down Sportscenter. I will watch almost any sporting event, except golf (just need the highlights). Oh i am also a nerd in the fact that i love the news (Bill O'Reilly is a duche) and educational crap. Although i dont watch much tv dont really have time for it.


They still make those things, huh weird? Readings not really my style maybe the paper, but i dont have that much time for books. Now books on tape thats where you make your money at.


My Mother, My Sister, Chad and Amanda Lair, Billy and Hayley Van Houten, J W8, Dale S. Miller, Gabe Carrasco, Angie Werkema.

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