So let me introduce you to the enigma called Sis by those who know her well. She is a graduate of Howard University in Washington D.C. where she obtained her B.S. in biology and is currently pursuing her Master's of Health Science at Johns Hopkins University. She likes to describe herself as having an artistic soul with a scientific mind. She's a neurogenetic researcher in her 9-5 and a photographer during her off hours (keep an eye out for my Photography site coming atcha soon). She's neither sXe nor extreme..She's just Sis. People say she's may judge for yourself. People also think Sis is quiet, but she's what I'd like to call an observer. She also can be very straight forward and blunt..although people shouldn't take her so seriously since she has a strange sense of humor. She has an older sibling, Regan, who she adores. She has many interests (below are just a few). Many probably conflict with each other but yeah that's life. Oh yeah and she likes to speak in 3rd person :)
SMILE: Art, Music (all's my outlet..I also have played the viola for over 10 years), Paboo, Performing Arts (Webber is awesome), Farscape, funky glasses, movies, Calla Lilies, Herb, metaphysical discussion, incense oils, Chipotle, Star Trek (TNG), fruit, juice, chai, doggies, mythology, warm winds, wine, bamboo, crocheting, pipes, hookah/shisha, sandlewood, mystics (astrology, wicca), Henna, sex, guys with soft curly hair, guys with locs, Jasmine tea, culture, heritage,spices, Indian silks, traveling, egg drop soup, cloves, my lips, Pho!, The Beatles, bohemian styles, chamomile tea, photography, handmade jewelry an accessories, meat (sorry vegans I like da meat), goatees, indie films, the Suicide Girls, A clockwork orange, my eyebrows, foreign films, Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robins, body art, ceramics, little bitty dogs with lots of fur and big much that that's all they look like--fur with eyes, being a Scorpio, science, pool, poetry, stars and constellations, genetics, turtles, dreams, naturalness (hair, style, etc.), sex in the city, harry potter, naps, cute underwear, monkeys, vanguard movies, open minds, puzzles, smiles, candles, people that think outside the box, the colors orange and green, hugs, kisses on my nose, sci-fi, psychological thrillers, and silence.
War, Loud people with high pitched voices, vegetables, drunks (y'all look like idiots, sorry but it's the truth), exercise, milk, crack-headish people math, high heels (i trip a lot), habitual smoking, pencil thin unnatural drawn-on eyebrows, annoying people, trends (actually trends aren't bad it's the conformers that can make it bad), closed minds, grown ass people that play middle school games, government coverups, G.Bush, ignorance, males acting like stereotypical men (dogs, playas, pimps, meat heads), overly eager and oversexed males, people that slut their body and slut other people's bodies (have some love for yourself), conservatives and extremists, egos, writing (for school or anyone else but myself), sweating, indecisive people, uncompassionate...inconsiderate folks, cute shoes that hurt like Hades, football (traditional sports all together), stereotypical jocks, girls that use the word "like" like they have turrets, drugs, country music, being short, labels (figuratively and literally), chemistry, and people that are content with their ignorance.