Riding my bike and finding new spots to ride,Running *RedemptionBMX*->, hangin with friends, occasional parties, video games occasionaly. Having my own business in the BMX industry someday!(check out the redemption sight, its my company)! Always looking to see and try something new. i like to keep my options open. photograghy, Music. Playing guitar. oh did i mention ridin my bike? staying true to myself and my family. family is important to me and if you don't have a good relationship with yours, i feel sorry for you. REDEMPTION IS KEY.
I want to meet peeps who have my outlook on life and have the same morals i do. That can go for peeps whom want to be friends...and that can go for a certain someone(a girl!) as well. Just peeps who ride, love life, love music the way i do...preferably peeps who like the music i like(you too ladies), some to go to shows with. Down to earth peeps...friends!! always need good friends!!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
The list could go on and on so just look at all my friends, most of them are bands and you'll get the idea of what i like.
Always watching a BMX video, helps in motivation to go ride!! And MORE BMX videos.Action, comedy, horror, can't really narrow it down to specifics.(Sweeney Todd is the shit!!!) i like old classics like Farris Bullers day off, breakfast club,cry baby, porkys, stuff like that.
Finally got cable so ill let you know wut shows i get into! Right now its The Discovery Channel. Cool stuff on the channel! But id rather be doin something outside or something creative. Can't stand whatching the news, its full of bullshit; always somebody dieing, new disese found in your favoritE food, we're too fat, low carb this less fat that, just full of shit that makes people scared of everthing. i want to stay positve.
BMX magazines, Stuff and Maxim magazine, photography magz,guitar magz, business magz, need to start reading books, but don't usally, also need to peek at the dictionary every now and again to brush on some vocab so i can be intellectual, is that spelled right?
If you do some thing that inspires me, your my hero.