Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG profile picture

Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG

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About Me

Or send $12.00 Money Order to:
Joey Crozier
230 SW 1st St.
Moore, OK 73160 *Shipping included in price.

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"I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord.
"Plans to prosper you, not to harm you.
Plans to give you hope and a future!"
Jer. 29:11

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Your original thought might not be of Oklahoma birthing a band of such beautiful brutality, but that has happened with the formation of Neviah Nevi. Death metal style screams and beautiful hook laden melodies are delivered to you by DeAngela Jean. Regardless of her gender, she is one ferocious front person who allows nothing to stop her. Her experiences on the road include playing 3 shows with her front tooth broken in half, to slicing a portion of her finger tip off the day before tour. She super glued her finger back together and hit the road, playing guitar all the while and gluing her finger back after every show. She has since then put down the guitar to free herself up to interact with the crowd. DeAngela is a perfect fit in this genre of music and is tough enough to last.
Throughout the past three years, they have been dedicated to taking their music to audiences across the U.S and have toured from coast to coast. They have shared the stage with Becoming the Archetype, A Plea For Purging, With Blood Comes Cleansing, War of Ages, Inhale Exhale, Soul Embraced, Society's Finest, A Love For Enemies, Common Yet Forbidden, Imperial, FlatFoot 56, Disciple, Blindside, Subseven, Dizmas, Skillet, East West, Poor Mans Riches and more. You can also see Neviah Nevi tear up the stage at Ichthus and Cornerstone.Neviah Nevi self-released their debut EP in early 2006 and realesed their first full lengeth "By The Blood Of Their Feet" on Wounded Records in 2007.
The band consists of Tyler Smith (guitar), Joseph Crozier (bass), Micah Harwell (drums) & DeAngela Crozier (vocals)
In regards to the new material DeAngela comments, “It’s definitely the heaviest and most diverse music we have recorded. It's a lot more aggressive, melody laden and anthemic than before. But we've already made it heavier since the recording and as far as the stage show, we aim to deliver high energy shows with a lot of interactive time with the crowd.”
The bands lyrics touch on life’s challenges and the power Christ gives us to endure. Each band member has their own story of tough life experiences. It's their past that makes them who they are and gives them the lyrical depths that they produce. They aim to express to everyone that no one is alone. There is always someone who has been where you're at and made it through. There is always hope.
Neviah Nevi's {PSCC}
{PSCC} - Practice Self Control Crew
In being PSCC, we understand that no one is perfect. We all screw up, but we can help keep each other accountable. This goes for all things, drugs, alchohol, sex, smoking, attitude, language, cutting, abusive behavior, etc.
Any one who needs help practicing self control (ALL OF US), xStraightxEdgex or not, this is a way to help keep you accountable with a spiritual side attached to it. PSCC is for anyone!
Ways of keeping each other accountable:
1. Pray for each other
2. Ask each other how they are doing with things you know they struggle with.
3. If you see someone in {PSCC} screwing up, let them know (in a subtle way) that they need to PSC!
If you want to join the {PSCC} just tag it on to your myspace name, and help keep your brothers & sisters in {PSCC} accountable! _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Press Release:

Neviah Nevi in the Idaho Journal:
What people are saying about Neviah Nevi
On the Extreme Tour there was Amazing Victories happening behind the scenes as well. Bands like Believe, Neviah Nevi, Tek-Son, Not Called Common, Jerimae Yoder, and others were stepping up to the plate, going beyond what anyone had expected (including even THEM), and leading the charge into broken and hurting communities! - Ted Brunn Director & founder of The Extreme Tour
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

My Interests


Member Since: 10/14/2004
Band Website: "
Band Members: DeAngela Jean - Vocals
Joey Lee - Bass
Tyler "Lunchbox" - Guitar
Micah Joel - Drums
Influences: With Blood Comes Cleansing
Arch Enemy
War of Ages
Light This City
A Plea For Purging
Becoming The Archetype
Haste The Day
Bloodlined Calligraphy
Walls of Jericho
Living Sacrifice
As I Lay Dying
Bon Jovi

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (405)250-2866

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Sounds Like: A mixture of the following:
War of Ages
Haste The Day
Walls of Jericho
Still Remains
Killswitch Engaged

Neviah Nevi is sponsered by
Curt Mangan Strings

Record Label: Wounded Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Tour Journal - Update

We just thought we'd finally set down and write a blog about this tour. Things have been amazing. We've played some killer shows with some amazing bands and lots of amazing new friends. So let me upda...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 08:47:00 PST

So you want to scream in the Mic

Alot of you guys want to scream in the Mic at shows, but don’t have the words down yet. You asked for it, so here they are.(We’re also including our new song, "Blood Stained Hands") Not In...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:08:00 PST

Local show coming soon!!!

Hey Everyone, Well we've been sitting tight through the holidays and now we are going crazy.We are ready to get back on the stage. While we continue our search of a drummer that can tour, we are happy...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:54:00 PST

"Trust" ranks 12 Nationally

Congratulations Neviah Nevi on having your song "Trust" Finish as the 12 song of 2007 on the internationally syndicated radio show Weathered Steel. That awesome finish is out of 167 differen...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 02:21:00 PST

Why we need new band members!

So lets clear the air. We've gone through some member changes this year. Oklahoma does not have a huge selection of musicians that can tour, especially Christian ones.Earlier this year we took a ...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:57:00 PST

NN - In the latest Christian Rock Report Magazine

Hey! Just to let you know the magazine with a write up of Neviah Nevi in it has been printed but you can view it online as well at This is how you view it: once you get to th...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:54:00 PST

NN Interview w/ Minibrick Music Magazine

Here is the interview we just did with Minibrick Christian Music Magazine.Please visit their site, add them as friends and thank them for supporting Neviah Nevi.
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:07:00 PST

Studio updates, Upcoming CD Release

~ YEAH!! NEWS ~Things have been super busy, but we needed to stop and get you all up to date on the time-line of the new release, "By the Blood of Their Feet". ~ Studio Time ~ We drove to Nashvil...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:16:00 PST


Hey everyone. We need a drummer.Daniel decided to step down from his position in the band. Last we heard he is making plans to go back to school next semester and plans on starting a band of his own,...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:49:00 PST


Neviah Nevi would like to officially announce that we have signed w/ an amazing Indie Record Label out of Indiana called Wounded Records! Although they are not as well known, they ...
Posted by Neviah Nevi -ON TOUR!! - NEW BLOG on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:46:00 PST