Aaron Vogel profile picture

Aaron Vogel

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

about me..... well, a simple life, married and madly in love with a beautiful girl and 3 beautiful boys. i live in the promise land, that would be laplace, louisiana. i am the youth pastor at reserve christian church (soon to be The LifeHouse) and i'm loving it. it being the fact that i am able to get paid to do what i love. i am in love with the reality of being a conduit to give hope, love, and healing to people. i love the broken, rejected, and the homeless. love wins. about me.... well, i seek oneness. oneness amongst my spirit, soul, and body. oneness in my family and spiritual family. i desire to see oneness with the Creator and His creation. i believe that people will connect with their Creator by the small acts of love and kindness that come through those that are one with Him. about me.... well, i am continuously reminded of the shortness and brevity of life so i give it all i've got. i try to savor and make the most of every moment, conversation, and opportunity. i'm an optomist with a big ego, if i can try it i can do it. i'm a dreamer, i dream of an uncertain future with much risk. i'm a communicator, hearts are my specialty. about me.... ..

My Interests

date nights with my girl, acting a fool with my boys, spending time with people, reading, just starting to experiment with writing, public speaking, beating people in sports with no regrets, SABBATH, among many others.


Pilgrim's Progress, Communicating for a Change, The Next Generation Leader, A New Kind of Christian, Blue Like Jazz, Irresistible Revolution, Velvet Elvis, Bible, The Message, No Easy Road, Illiad, Odyssey, Mr. Popper's Penguins, The Whipping Boy, The Secret Message of Jesus, Call to Love, The Divine Romance, A Tale of Three Kings, Wild at Heart

My Blog

i.d. club. take one.

so we kicked off i.d. club at east st. john high school last wednesday.  i.d. club is a lunch club we're hosting based on helping kids find their i.d.(identity).  we only had room for 33 kid...
Posted by Aaron Vogel on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 07:01:00 PST