.rlt. profile picture


When life gets muddy just laugh because what's more fun than playing in the mud.

About Me

"raeissa you're one of a kind!"
(my mommy says)
I'm uncapable of lying, I forget what I said, or what I'm told to say and tell on myself.
I have blonde moments left and right, but I'm actually really intelligent when it comes down to it.
Being a smart ass is what I do best, next to having a good time.
I currently attend PJC as a full-time student, I'll transfer one day, but I'm not shure where just yet.
I hate it when I want to be mad and people won't let me, it's just too easy to make me smile I guess.
I've never been as happy and content with my life as I am now; I have a great job, (and an ok one on the side), I'm going to school and loving it, I have the best friends I could ever ask for, my family and I are closer than ever, I love where I live, and things couldn't be better.
I want nothing more in life than to be a good mother when I get there.
I'm "romantically challenged", which means I'm single, but I'm really not looking.
The shit I say before thinking. It just kills me.
"I was sucking and it didn't come!"
"I'd rather be on my knees then fall!"
"Then go get your hose..(heh) the YELLOW one!"
"Dalton, don't ever like girls, they're a pain in the butt, and not like a poop thats hurt but worse and it stays there a lot longer."
Why hello there. :] hehe.

My Interests

my Daddy is gettin me this. :]

Colts! :] Always have been, always will be!

Beau, I hope you are happy. I did this just for you! But I still like COLTS better.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who respects me and doesn't put me down. And that will take me fishin, BUT he's gotta be willin to bait my hook, take me roadin, and be ready to chill out and drink some cold beer.

Love is being bestfriends; the first person you want to tell something that happened to, whether it be good or bad.

I was looking out the car window today &
I realized I'm starting to miss you alot again.
It's funny how out of nowhere you came to mind.

The truth is, I wish you were here again.
The truth is, I'm always thinking of you, hoping that you think of me, and smile.


This girl is here for me on anything and I'm the same with her. She's the only one who's been my friend through everything the longest(next to jason[happy bub?]). And I never wanna lose this one. We have some good times and she has plenty of shit to use against me in my moments of blondness heh. But she can be the same way. I wouldn't have her any other way. She's practically a sister, I don't know why I call her a best friend when she's really so much more.

Wow, where do I begin. We've had our hard times but we are both soo damn hardheaded that it took us about 3 months to make up over something soo stupid. Always remember chicks before dicks. heh. She's got my back on a lot and helps me with some of the stupidest things I goto her with. But I love her to death! She truly is my best friend till the end! And BITCH! I love you more no tag backs!

Winston Beau.
Hehe, I love you! :] This boy is truely one of my best friends no matter how much I want to hate him. We know so much about eachother and I can't stand it when we fight. We've got some good times under our belt along with stupid fights and funny moments but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Jason Vickers
My brother from another mother. He's been here since day one. Well, since month 2! :] He's always watched out for me and had my best interests at heart, yet I'm too dumb and hard headed to listen! I can't say I'll try, but maybe I'll learn.

Megan M.
This girl I tell all my secrets to. If I got a secret she knows. Cuz I know I can absolutely tell her anything! And I love that and she's the same with me. I'm glad we became friends and I wish we could spend more time together to make our friendship even stronger! :]

Jessica Chapman.
My favorite worst enemy. I hated her, I mean with a damn passion when I moved here and well, 2.5 years later, we are best friends and I am a God-mother to be! :] We've been through some shit, more than most. But we still make it out in the end and still love eachother like sisters.

She's not really my best friend but more so Erik's. And she's family as far as I am concerned. I love her like a sister and I am soo glad she walked into our lives 4687357357 years ago. :] She's always got that glimmer about her that makes everyone happy to be around her, and well damnit thats a damn good trait if you ask me and I look up to her for that! :]

To all of you!
I'm glad you've walked into my life at some point or another and I wouldn't have our friendships be any other way. Thank you for always being there and listening to my bullshit. And Welcome for listening to yours. heh! ;> But really, I wouldn't be who I am, where I am today without you! :]


College football:

Longhorns! :]
They grow on ya.



Currently reading:

He's gorgeous, but gorgeous in an understatement. More like you're startled every time you see him because you notice something new in a Where's Waldo sort of way. More like you can't stop writing third grade run on sentences because you can't even remotely begin to describe something, someone, so inherently amazing. More like you're afraid that if you stare at him too long, you'll prove your parents right, yes, your face will get stuck that way. But you don't mind.


♥Erik Michael
My big brother, my best friend, and my hero. This man has always been there for me through thick and thin and never judges me or my actions. I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me. I love him with all my heart and no one will ever be able to take his place in my life. I wish I could be closer to him, see him more, and talk more than we do; but people will be people. Erik is my all time hero, who I've looked up to since day one.
..25.What are you proud of?
35. List five things you want to do in your lifetime:
1. Go to Potato's college graduation
38.Is there anything worth you dying for?
Yes, there is someone I would give anything for to see her succeed. And she knows who she is.
With out being obligated this woman would still be here for me. She's had my side of everything that ever happened. Well minus a few, but she's always got me and I can always run to her crying and she always makes me feel a lil bit better about myself. Without her I wouldn't exist or be who I am today. She has made me strong, intelligent, and a pain in everyone's ass. Even though we constantly fight and bitch at eachother I love her so much. Momma, Thank you for everything you've helped me get through. I love you.
ILMO. ♥Whoadie Michelle Taylor♥.
best dog a family could ask for.

My Blog


Love is an Enigma.by Erik Michael Love is an enigma. A riddle. Just another word that consists of letters from our alphabet and noises we make and we attach great meaning and emotion and attachment to...
Posted by .rlt. on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:23:00 PST