People, Gossip, Clothing, Videogames, Art/artists, Animals, Movies, Shoes, Friends, Colors, Eyes, Astrology, Dancing, Psychology
The feral side of you.
If you could be any anthro-animal, what would you be?
I would be a dragonite
Dragon Male or Female?
How long would you want your tail?
Would you be an ass-hole feral, a nice feral, an emo feral, goth feral, or make your own?
I would be fierce but compassionate
Animal or human hands?
Claws or no?
Gay, Bi, or Straight?
Ambiguously Gay.
Would you be, weird, normal, disturbed or make your own?
I would be likable with a tragic past so complex lol
How tall would you want your ears?
What would you look like? (as far as colours and stuff)
I would have a reddish tint with jet black hair and bone white claws/spines
If you're a guy, How long would you want your penis?
What it is now.
If you're a chick, How big would you want your breats?
I wouldn't be a chick
Musician, pro gamer, computer geek, music freak, lazy dude at home, or make your own.
An artist in all forms of the word Visual/Physical
What colour eyes would you have?
Emerald green
What would you want in a guy/chick?
All the good things.
Would you want hair, and if so what colour would it be?
Yes Jet black
And how long would your hair be?
Down my back
How old would you be?
Just under my prime
Would you go around humping other peoples legs?
Would you be happy if you woke to find yourself as the animal you wanted to be?
Hell yeah!!
And to celebrate it, what would you do?
Would you wear clothes?
What style, if you did?
Vegabond or martial artist
How big would you want your butt to be?
Like it is now.
Would you want human feet, or like animal feet?
How would your tail look?
Long and lean same color as my skin with bone white spines that run down it and a cluster of spines that blossom out at the end. I would also wear a tail bracelet at the end of my tail and possible at the base as well but IDK
I'd like to meet:
Someone who can change my views on humans.
I'm tired of being so alone in my observations
Anyone who actually loves movies as much as I do.
I'm tired of liars and people who can't explain themselves
Someone who isn't put off by my entire self
I'm so tired of using so many filters, so tired of it
I can't wait til Kevin comes home in September
Love trancends all things, even death.
I hope you find the one you truly love
I like anything I can dance to and music that catches my attention
Charlie Bartlett, Sweeny Todd, The Fifth Element, Running With Scissors, A Scanner Darkly, Across The Universe, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Run Fatboy Run, Rambo, Running Scared, The Alien Movies & The Predator movies too, Scary Movies, Musicals, I love movies
Nip/Tuck, Heroes, Dead Like Me, Scrubs, Family Guy, Amercan Dad, South Park, CSI:anything, Made for TV movies on the Sci Fi channel
I love reading, fantasy, drama, horror, mystery
K.O.W.M. 1, Watashi No HaHa and any Strong woman