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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a bit of an extreme person. Everything I do I do all the way. I either like somehting or dont. I like taking risks, and being crazy. I am wild, and sligtly crazy at times. I love life, and things that make me feel alive.Love:Life, music, the outdoors, rain, dancing in the rain, trees, rocks, rock climbing, rivers, swimming in rivers, lakes, swimming in lakes, the ocean, the beach, sunshine, ice cream, laying in hammocks, being a bum, my family and everything else God gave me, horses, my goats, banjos, guitars, staying up late, sleeping in, watching the sun go down, watching the sun come up, coconuts, running, swimming, biking, hiking, dancing, being crazy.Hate:Whiners, hypocrites, liars, coldness, sadness, heartbreak, anger, war, boredom, restrictions, rules, unnecesary

My Interests


I am a music junkie. I love country mainly:KEITH URBAN-gotta love that Australian, Hot, Extremley talented man; KENNY CHESNEY-so cute, sings fantastic songs, Awesomeperformer; TIM MCGRAW- an all aroung great singer, records good songs; I also like DEIRKS BENTLEY, SARA EVANS, FAITH HILL, SHANIA TWAIN and much more. I like modern rock too: GREEN DAY-Best modern rock band;Also 3 DOORS DOWN, SWITCHFOOT, RELIENT K. Older Rock- BEATLES! JOHN MELLENCAMP; JOHN FOGERTEY; DIRE STRAITS; TOM PETTY, THE EAGLES. Bluegrass..Folk. Anyhting good.


I like comedys a lot - Dumb and Dumber-classic. Napolen Dianamite, 10 things I hate about you, The Patriot, Braveheart. Much more I can't remember. Some of my favorite actors:Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe, Heath Ledger, Jenifer Aniston, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt...


I dont watch tv hardly ever..mostly music channels-CMT, VH1 stuff like that. Comedy Central.


Anything. I like lots of books.


The Beatles. haha. ..

My Blog

I've learned...

Ive learned that  you are never good enough for some people. Thats just the way it is and wont change. No matter what you do. Ive learned that you can love someone completley and they might not ...
Posted by Marissa on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:00:00 PST

This is me

  I am not changing anymore. Not for guys, or anyone else. I am tired of it and there is no point to it. So, if you dont like who I am, you can find someone else. Cause this is me....I thoug...
Posted by Marissa on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 09:09:00 PST

Random Quotes

Theres not enough space to post this anywhere else, so it goes here!! These are some song lines/quotes that rock!! Clarity and inspiration, happiness is a destination, thats hard to find, it may take ...
Posted by Marissa on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 04:36:00 PST