G Mireles profile picture

G Mireles


About Me

I'm a teacher. I have great kids (students), loving family, and loyal friends...and if you happen to be one of these people, thanks! =)

My Interests

Teaching, Working Out, Photography, Watching Movies (more fun in the theater), Playing board games, Messing with technology (nerd), powerful music, stupid jokes =)

I'd like to meet:

Umm... someone who can go a few weeks without having to get wasted. =) You know... that's pretty rare these days...This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!


I like lots of stuff... from heavy metal to country to soul to some rap. I'm not too much into Tejano, though. =/ I know I know... I suck. .... I just lack the Tejano gene.


I thank God for these people every day. They are TRUE blessings in my life and forever will they have my unconditional love and support. Introducing... my family.
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Late Night with Conan, Family Guy, Simpsons, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Southpark, Looney Toons =) . . .I thought this video was kind of cool. It's a couple of guys having a jam session. It's nothing extreme... just a nice makes-ya-wanna-bang-your-head-to-the-rhythm heavy metal tune. =)