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About Me

Thiis iis a publiic serviice anouncement, thiis iis only a test
Hiiiiii ;] ii'm ii'M NOT EMO ORR GOTHIIC!! ii'm jus meh, siimple as that. ii'm not PERFECT but hey neither are yew. Don't judge meh that's LAME! ii don't giive a shiit what yew thiink! iif yew don't liike meh, leave meh alone.ii love musiic iit's liike sex, ear sex (: ii liike maii musiic LOUD && FAST. ii love Punk Rock && Haiirr Metal. ii'm a suckerr for 80's metal ballads. <3 ii take maii ipod everywhere wiith mehh. iit iish hawt iin TOPEKA! ;]ii love liife! ii have the most amaziing people iin iit. ii love maii friiends! ii loove maii daddy! ii'm a kiidd at heart ii'm a liil crazzee ii wear a tiie ,a band aiid on maii face && ii wear two diifferent converses every day! ii don't wearr makeup. ii can't even put iit on. ii loove diirtyy rockerr boys. ii love cartoons! ^__^ [Ed, Edd, && Eddy!] ii LOVE huggs!! yew should giive meh one! ii liike tew steal traffiic cones && siigns out of peoples yards. :] && ii liike tew hang out the car wiindow && YELL at pedestriians. ii have headaches almost everyday. ii take maii Peter Criss doll everywhere wiith meh (: ii liike the sweet smell of freshly mowed grass! ii sayy ii own the aiir around maii house && the sky above iit! :DD ii liike those balloons on a stiick (: ii love monsters, dinos && robots ! ii play games on! ii love the teenage mutant ninja turtles ! ii loove aniimals, dogs && moose arre maii faave! ii loove skiinneh jeans , especiially leopard skiinnehs. ii love bubblegumm ! Double Bubble && Bazooka arre the best! ii love coloriing. want meh tew colorr yew a piicture?! ii love Dora the Explorer. ((: ii liike tew wriite maii name iin dust! ii love playiing wiith condoms. There iish a partyy iin maii pants && yewrr iinviited. sometiimes ii throwup!! ii hate where ii liive. ii don't understand the government. they're jus a Bunch of idiots ii can beh a bitch sometimes, but ii'm usually pretteh niice. II HATE LIIARS! ii hate most people at skool . ii spell wrong on purpose. Delete/Block meh ii don't care. add meh iif yew want! ii accept everyone, unless yew go tew maii skool && ii hate yew ^__^
Be oriigiinal, dont copy.
Green Day
These three beautiiful guyz mean everythiing to meh. All three of them, not just Billie Joe. ii mean after years of constantly liisteniing to, readiing about, && talkiing about them yew'd thiink they would mean atleast somethiing tew meh. lol ii talk about them a lot tew all maii friiends, ii'm suurre they're quiite siick of iit, but ohh well. ii can't help iit. yew sayy chump ii tell yew that's a Green Day song lol :P Theiir musiic inspires me so much! They giive meh a reason to beh myself!!! They are maii Liife. :] they've made the biigest iimpact on maii liife. ii would beh nothiing wiithout them they've made meh who ii am && ii freakiin LOVE them forr that! They made meh realiize liife, and that ii don't need to please anyone. ii don’t need approval, ii don’t care what others thiink of meh. ii am my own, and ii am extremely proud of that. yew can tell meh how much yew hate them all yew want && yew can tell meh that they arre "too pop" now or that they are "sell outs", that won't make meh hate them. ii could neverr hate them. they are so iimportant to meh. theiir musiic makes meh so HAPPEE and iit helps meh trough a lot. ii liisten tew them everydayy. ii love the lyriics to all theiir songs. ii thiink all of theiir songs are amazing. ii hate when people ask mehh what maii favoritie song iish by them, 'cause honestly, ii don't know. ii love them all, && ii can't piick just one. ii don't know what ii would do iif ii diidn't have them. ii reallee wanna see them iin concert. ii get exciited just watchiing theiir viideos, ii can't iimagine how exciited ii would behh iif ii saw them liive lol =D && ii want to meet them before ii diie. Oh, that would beh amaziing!Green Day iish and forever wiill beh my favorite band EVER! ii love them more than anyone wiill ever know! So Green Day, thank yew. thank yew for everythiing.
ii want Green Day iin maii pants ^__^
ii've biin liisteniing tew them siince ii was liittle. they're were one of the fiirst bands ii everr liistened tew. they are an outstandiing band. ii could liisten tew them forr hours. ii always gotta have theiir musiic up loud, cuz that's just the way iit's gotta beh. maii favoritie song by them iish Rocker liive iin England 1977, they reallee pour theiir hearts iinto that songg! ii thiink Angus iish the best guiitariist tew watch liive. ii wiish that Bon Scott was stiill alive. He had the most amaziing voiice, ii love iit! but ii love Braiin too. He may not have Bon's voiice, but he iish stiill amaziing! AC/DC has made a biig iimpact on maii liife :] && ii am goiing tew see them iin concert one day.
Angus Young later recalled, "I remember Bon playing me Little Richard, and then telling me the story of when he saw Brian singing." He says about that night, "There's this guy up there screaming at the top of his lungs and then the next thing you know he hits the deck. He's on the floor, rolling around and screaming. I thought it was great, and then to top it off—you couldn't get a better encore—they came in and wheeled the guy off!'" Later that night, Johnson would be diagnosed with appendicitis, which was the cause of his writhing around on stage.
The Cure
thiis band iish iimpresiive (: ii started liisteniing tew them when ii was 12 orr 13. the fiirst song ii liistened tew was Friday I'm In Love && ii'm liike OMG ii know thiis song, so ii looked up morre of they're songs && fell iin loove. ii thiink Robert Smith wriites the most amaziing, beautiiful lyriics. && ii loove hiis voiice, ii thiink iit's soo beautiiful. ii could lay iin maii bed for hours liisteniing to them. theiir music fiills meh wiith such happiness.
"remembering you standing quiet in the rain as i ran to your heart to be near and we kissed as the sky fell in holding you close how i always held close in your fear remembering you running soft through the night you were bigger and brighter than the snow and screamed at the make-believe screamed at the sky and you finally found all your courage to let it all go"
John Lennon
ii reallee love hiim. He was a wonderful siinger && songwriiter. ii loove hiis solo career more than the Beatles. Lennon iish so much more than the Beatles. Nobody can compare wiith hiim. He spoke from hiis heart. ii love hiim because he diid what he loved, he fought tew make a diifference, and because he iimagiined. All he wanted was peace. ii admiire hiis work && hiis dreams. ii hope hiis legend never diies. May he rest iin peace forever.
"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one"
The Ramones
Gosh ii freakiin looove them!! They aren't angryy liike most punk bands. Every song by them iish amaziing && all theiir songs arre worth liisteniing tew. They are one of the greatest punk bands ever! They've made a biig iimpact on maii liife. They mean a lot tew meh. ii loove watchiing liive viideos of them. ii would looove tew go backk iin tiime so ii could see them liive.

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Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 20:15:00 GMT