Everything WY has to offer ;) hangin' out, workin' out, anything to kill time
Anyone who dreams as much as I do but at the same time actually goes out and works hard enough to make it all possible.....a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least....I am NOT into EMO guys... If you're a pussy, don't come trying to talk to me
Hip Hop, Rap, R&B... any good music... Big sucker for 80s music and recently EMO ... it happens
Boondock Saints, Shawshank Redemption, too many to name
South Park, Family Guy, Dave Chappelle same as above... "Enjoy yourselves bitches... EHhehheh... Be Merry!"
All kinds, Freakonomics- any that make you think... and of course John Grisham
My brothers, of course (including James too because he is a Marine.. Marine Corps... Creamed Corn)! They are the only ones that play when I go home... hahaha but only if I bring my 'boy clothes.'