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cHiNgO bLiNg!!WeEeZy BaBy!!BeYoNcE!!
ThE NiGs kEaK,e40,FaB,aNd ThE GrEaT MaC DrE!"i dO tHe tHizZ DaNcE wItH NANCY WhO iM cHiLLiN wItH!" -MaC DrE!"..AnD SiNcE wE aLL CaMe FrOm a WoMaN, gOt OuR NaMe FrOm a wOmAn aNd OuR GaMe FrOm a wOmAn, i wOnDeR wHy wE TaKe FrOm OuR wOmEn, WhY wE RaPe OuR wOmEn, dO wE HatE OuR wOmEn? i ThInK iT'S TiMe tO KiLL fOr OuR wOmEn, TiMe tO hEaL OuR wOmEn, bE rEaL tO OuR wOmEn!"-Tupac ShakurdRaYnO nUrEbEL EnTNu rEbEL eNtGhEtTo sTaRs fREaKO & rYdAh dUbb 20 GhEttO sTaRs..HuSaLaH.. mObFiGaS..iTs ThE jAcK tHe mObFiGaSThIzZ LaTiNMr.FaBBy jAyY dIgS
*~:DeFiNiTiOn Of A KiSs:~* *Kiss on the stomach"lets have sex" *Kiss on the Forehead"Forever you will be mine" *Kiss on the Ear"I'm horny" *Kiss on the Cheek"We're friends" *Kiss on the Hand"I adore you" *Kiss on the Neck"We belong together" *Kiss on the Shoulder"I want you" *Kiss on the Lips"I love you" OR "I want you" *Holding Hands"We can learn to love each other" *Slap on the Butt"That's mine" *Playing with the Ear"I can't live without you" *Holding on tight"Don't let go" *Looking into each other's Eyes"Don't leave me" *Playing with Hair on Head"Tell me you love me" *Arms around the Waist"I love you too much to let go" *Laughing while Kissing"I am completely Comfortable with you"*~Advice~*=)*Dont ask for a kiss, take one! *If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love..~*