I'D sAy ThE NEt', theN theRes partyinG, MmM EAting Is A blast And maYbe HangiN' ouTtt wouLd Do gReat oN Sundays!
AnyoNe WhoSe ANyONEeeeEEEe For NowwWww.....
BLaQue, MiSs SpearS, SeAn PAuL, In shOrt......anyone WHose gettIn Lotsa Airplay!!!!
GosH...I'd say 'Romey N MichellE's High schOol ReunIon'......love iT to Death......
FreInds, ReaLitY Shows mostly,
I can Only Say, bOoks Are a BIG nO No in my LIfe!
Me, MySelF and I..............