I started stand up about two years ago for the sole purpose of learning more about writing comedy. The set you see on this page was me doing it after only about 9 months. It was a blast and a fun ride... I have taken a break from it temporarily to go back to school at UCLA. I won't change this page and I will leave everything as is, slutty bikini photo and all. If you saw me and I bombed ever it's the least I can do to pay you back.I am so incredibly grateful to all of you comics and club owners all over the country who put me on stage.I love all of you comics I met, each and every one of you no matter how neurotic, drug addicted, bi-polar, drunk, and/or suicidal you are. Sarah Silverman said it best when a young aspiring actress/comedian asked her advice on what she should do to "break into the business"... Sarah said, "kill yourself now". Having said that I have nothing but the greatest respect for all of you.... I want to thank again sweet Jim Norton for helping me figure out this whole my space thing two years ago when I first started....
Much Love,