To have my heart pumping and my brain contemplating,
for my feet to stop in their tracks and my soul left wondering are the only clues i have to solve the mystery of my interests..
oH yeah AND ALSO......
Get your own countdown at :
Any one who can keep me interested..CHRISTINA AGUILARA:
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
tHE pRESIDENT: Rules! :
From B.B. King, Joss Stone to Shyne, Lauren Hill to Smashing Pumpkins. Coldplay to Anthony Hamilton. Roberta Flac to Jack Johnson.Red Hot Chili PEPPERS TO MuSiC, bAD company to Loui Armstrong,nONpoint to cHrISTina comes from WITHIN in order to UNDERSTAND it's DEPTH you have to FEEL it's meaning...... *BOB MARLEY*
'hOW TO lOSE A GUY IN 10 dAYS' 'CrAnK' 'Donny Darko' 'Legends of the Fall' 'sInCiTy' 'Blow' 'tHe devil's Advocate' 'Skeleton Key' 'The Shawshank Redemption'
Law and Order/That 70's Show/CNN?
John Jakes, "Love and War". " Gone With The Wind"
Unless you have saved the world from some of it's mass amounts of corruption you're not on the list..MYSPACE SLIDESHOW: END OF MYSPACE SLIDESHOW: