Mona Lisa profile picture

Mona Lisa

About Me

Its Just Words
How Bad Can It Be
I'm easily amazed, easily amused, and I get choked up easliy. I can become a fan of anything. I love learning new things. I am nice to everyone I meet, and I almost always try to see the good in everyone, even if they are rude to me. Family and theatre are my life. Durango theatre is my second home. I have put my blood, sweat, and tears into that theatre. The people I've met there are people I'll never forget, and I'll probably never meet people like them again, they are that amazing. My family is the greatest thing I could ever have. They mean everything to me, even when they drive me insane and make me angry. Music and movies are two things that make up who I am. I will watch and listen to pretty much everything (if I have the time)...except for the Jonas Brothers and porn...and Twilight...ugh. I love laughing. I try to laugh every day. It just makes your day so much easier when you are joking around. I also know when to be serious. I try to be talkative, but it doesn't usually turn out to usually involves me making a 2 minute story in to 20 minutes and stumbling all over my words, and trying to crack a joke that is way funnier in my head than it is out in the open. Let's face it, I'm shy, and as a result of that, my conversations or social skills lack umph. In my head, I'm a far more interesting person. I don't find myself that attractive, though I spend a substantial amount of my time looking at myself in the mirror, and I don't think I am smart...I'm not dumb either, but I always try to be myself, no matter how lame I may be. I'm a huge hopeless romantic. I love the idea of being in love, and I think that it is the one thing that everyone needs. Everyone needs that one person who won't care what you look like in the morning and really loves you for who you are deep down inside, no matter how dirty, or nerdy, or dark. Two things that would make the world a better place...besides world peace and an end to global warming, amongst others if A.) life was a musical and B.) if we could all have the kind of love you only see in movies. Another thing about me is that I actually enjoy working at Target...even though I claim to hate it. Not every aspect of the job is great, but there are some pretty cool cats there (they should know who they are...if not, I can clarify) and I have fun!...but I still hate it...most of the time :).
I also enjoy taking stupid computer quizzes...they are loads of fun. haha.
I will be a make-up artist one day. No matter what it takes.
Patrick Kenzie: When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world. He told me what God said to His children. "You are sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves."
(Gone Baby Gone)
Going to the movies....$9.00
Renting Movies.....$20.00
Qouting movies with your buddies.....Priceless
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Princess Bride
"This is true love - you think this happens every day?" What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
"Just Close Your Eyes, And I'll Kiss You Like There's No Tomorrow."-Jamisonparker
.... WATCHMEN trailer 1

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. My Chemical Romance - Desolation Row


.. Comic-Con Video





My Blog

The Academy Awards

Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life and i wouldn't have changed it for the world. I am writing this bulletin to say a few things to those of us who won or are in theatre and showed up...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:51:00 GMT

MCR owns my heart!

I Love My Boys!!! ance/5531514/?p=9
Posted by on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 14:45:00 GMT

The Greatest Event Of My LIfetime... I just wittnessed quite possibly the greatest event in my life time. For those of you that know me...well, I went to the Black Parade and My Chemical Romance...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:24:00 GMT

"Four Winds"- Bright Eyes Okay so since my layout is tiny, it won't let me have videos, unless you are into seeing a microscopic video. Anyways, Bright Eyes has released a totally ama...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 20:07:00 GMT

Life Is Hell

This comic book looks so fxcking sweet. I want it soooooooo bad.
Posted by on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:37:00 GMT

Little Miss Sunshine

Okay, so to finish off my kick ass b-day, I went and saw Little Miss Sunshine  yesterday. It was amazing. Definetly a great movies, probably one of my favorites. I love PAUL DANO!!! he is the shi...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 17:41:00 GMT

Jackass 2!!

Everyone knows that today was the day that Jackass 2 opened, and I was there to see it. It was bomb. Fucking hilarious shit my friends. I love that movie, i almost want to go see it again. I also real...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 23:14:00 GMT

Riddle Me This...

How Long Is A China Man... hahahahahahahaha
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 21:01:00 GMT

Animal Cruelty Must End!!!

Friends like you look to PETA for information about cruelty to animals and ways to stop it. Throughout the month of August, I'll be sending you breaking news about the treatment of companion animals a...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 12:25:00 GMT

Hawthorne Heights Leaves Victory

The REAL Manifesto Due to recent events we have decided to leave Victory Records. Our departure is anything but amicable. We have decided to leave Victory, in part due to the actions of the man who s...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:35:00 GMT