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I am here for Friends

About Me

Jason created this survey. Since I haven't gotten around to writing a real "about me", this seems like a decent approximation:
Name: Rob Nipko
Age: 28
Gender: I refuse to limit myself by applying a label that requires me to conform to conventional gender stereotypes
Hair type: "Gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair! Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen."
Hair Color: ranges from dirty blonde to light brown, depending on how much time I've been spending in the sun
Eye color: blue
apprx. hieght: 5'10"ish
body type: scrawny
wierdest nick-name u had: was not that weird, actually...it was a fairly obvious, puerile permutation on my last name, referring to one of a pair of bodily structures. Use your imagination, you can probably figure it out
Attracted to: (come on be specific) given that I haven't dated anyone in 4+ years, the obvious answer would be "apparently no one"...beyond that, I plead the fifth
Favorite color: royal blue
Worest fear: that on my death bed, I'll look back over my life and not have done anything that mattered
Greatest quality: hope
Complete the sentence:
I am not: content not to at least try (sort through the double negatives if you can)
I will not: give up (though I might change the rules)
I want to: go back where there are mountains and ocean.
I need to: make more time for camping.
I'm tired of: *sigh*
If you had to:
spray paint ur pet what color would it be: Nevyn would look very stylish with deep purple streaks
have only one child and could decide the gender, boy or girl? the same answer I gave above regarding gender applies to any (high hypothetical) children that I might have in some vague, unspecified future
change one thing about u, what would it be? curb my addictive personality
marry one of ur friends, who would it be?
If I do ever marry someone, I should certainly hope that person is my friend, but that's not someone I've met yet
If you had to die, so that the world didn't lose one value or belief, what would it be? kindness
have u ever:
asked a girl if they were real? no, but I've known several boys whom I was certain weren't real
kissed a friend? sure
liked a friend? did u tell them? sometimes yes, sometimes no
awakened to find u have no idea what u did the night before? I've never lost an entire night, no, though there have been times I've lost a few chunks of the night
Dreamed about an ex? they're called nightmares, not dreams, but yes :p
What would u do if...
u saw a camel? smoke it, though an american spirit would be better
if u worked at a McDonals, a poor person walked in, placed an order but then couldn't pay for it? (oh and ur boss is standing at the register next to u) What the hell am I doing working at McDonald's? I give the boss the finger and walk out, and let the two of them sort it out.
if u were a teacher and one of ur kids asked u a specific question about sex? depends on whether it's a personal question or a general informational question. If it's personal, explain gently that it's really none of their damn business. If it's general information, probably answer. I guess it depends somewhat on the age of the "kids", too, but generally I'm of the opinion that if a kid is old enough to ask about sex, they're old enough to get an honest answer.
if u could drive a tank wtih only one missile loaded in it? as a pacifist, it's rather academic how many missiles are in it, but I suppose joyriding in it could be fun...I'd have to fill the fuel tank with bio-diesel first, though
if u could make one presidential decision? Totally rework DoD spending to bring it back to a vaguelly sane level and free up (a lot) of money to put into social programs. Somewhere in the process, I'd fire fucking Donald Rumsfeld on general principle (but he's finally gone now, HURRAY!).
if u could do anything right now, to anyone, who and what would u do? Make something go right for the Green Bay Packers playing, they're getting their asses handed to them at the moment
if u were meeting ur boyfriends/girlfriends parent for the first time and their mother told you they had prepared something special for you, but when it came out it turned out to be monkey brains? (which is a delicacy btw) fortunately, being a vegetarian, I have a legitimate reason to decline
true or non-false:
this is the greatest survey u ever taken? I usually don't do surveys, so the fact that I'm doing it at all says quite a bit :)
You Are an Espresso
At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic
At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung
You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping
Your caffeine addiction level: high What Kind of Coffee Are You?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who care about things. And do something about the things they care about. Yah, those people are cool. Creativity and open-mindedness are big pluses, too. And they've got to be moderately crazy (just a little crazy isn't enough). They won't like me unless they're AT LEAST moderately crazy (see friends below ;)

adopt your own virtual pet!
And I miss my kitty :(

My Blog


I've decided to do something new and different (for me anyway) namely keeping a blog/online journal.  But to make things complicated, I'm not doing it here on myspace, but over at livejournal ins...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 08:55:00 GMT