azzwaa profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

uggh...i'm certain|y not good at de$cribing myself... gues$ diff ppl judge ppl differently...but what i know for sure is that i r3a|Ly2 Lurv3 pErfection...i hate me$s...i can't stand mess N DirT....i Value my privacy very2 much....especially when it com3s to family frens said people can easily confide in m3 but i HARDLY confide in others...ah'ha...have to admit this..i can be very chOosy when it Comes to se|ectinG ppl who i can trust..for me it's just a Precaution...nothing more n noThinG les$..:)..i dun simp|y trust people...i prefer to keep things to myself ....i can be a completely different person,unique enough for people to undErstand who azzwaa r3a|ly is...i love spending time WiTh my B..dat's definitEly the best moment of each DaY dat passeS bY...he's the best part of my life...enhancing wat's aLready a beAutiful chapter of my Life....i love handbagsss...everywhere my parents pergi i will surely ask for handbaGsssss...:)...i will never have enough of them no matter byk mane i dah colleCt...yep,im a spendthrift...but hey there's Nothing wronG with it...i see it as a mean of releasing my stress....HAHA!!!

My Interests

FoO$Ba|L!!!FoOSbA|l!!fOoSBaLl!!!!trav3l|ing,water sport$,hors3 ridinG,n3tba|L,shopping,accessorie$,handbagsssss :) , Louis vuitton!!!!

I'd like to meet:

anyone out there...


no heaD BangiNg plizz!!!


any movie will do.. *but i'm not really into action movies* :)


$uzanne's diary for Nicho|as (this is certainly the most touching n romantic love story ever)...n... isobel's wedding