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The Triumphant One

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

If you think this whole "economic crisis" just happened because of keynesian economics and sub prime lending, then you're falling right into the trap the NWO has set. The NWO isn't a new concept, it has been put in place well before the Great Depression. The US dollar is falling like a heap of bricks, and most countries are trying to back away from the USD. Paper is debt, and utterly worthless, and the national debt is at an unconcievable impossible level to be paid back. You only think the dollar worth something because you can buy something with it, but most of you don't even understand the basic underlying fundamentals of how the dollar and the economy for that matter, works.The collective elite are finalizing their plan for total world control. Just check out Agenda 21, the Presidential council, & FEMA camps. Executive orders are unconstitutional, and don't even have to be reviewed by congress.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Your Mother.

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