~*DON WORR BOUT ME...LET ME GET ME*~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

found this cartoon layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments *ITS ALL ABOUT ME...DEAL WIT IT*First off letz shoutout 2 GOD my homie. Now letz get 2 mah Mommy. Okay n 2 my tru friend for now eva n always, Shaniequa,Shaquanetta, Shanie, Shaniecey, Niecey u my gurl and i no u would neva turn yo back on me n u no ill neva do it 2 u,Ma'Cheri..miss n luv ya boo. Megan, sweetie pie, Nicole my cuzin n best friend luv ya much we been through some times but held da love. Monique....gurl dunno what 2 say bout chu, u mad crazy, luv u doe. Kaysh, u jus straight up fool, n u no it 2 but jus don care. Mah lovable cuz Ilse, Sweetcheeks,Izzie gurl u fool up n u jus crazi az i dunno what bt luv ya much n always will dats fa sho, iight. N 2 Noelle,get help...fast, when u go take Ebony G wit chu. Chanelle u are a good friend 2 keep me laughing, Chanel u r 1 of a kind.......let's keep it dat way,LaQuawnia, u need 2 get help along wit Noelle n Ebony G. N yellouts 2 Err body on da step team/dance team, keep doin yal thang, n 2 mah boiz....Lawrence, Melondo, LB, Willie, Octavius, Steffon, Shaq, Niko, my fav (boy) cuz Quinton, Rob, Khiry n err body else dat i aint gave a yellout 2. still luv yall doe. (If u want a personal yellout n i aint gave u 1, tell me n i will)
165 Questions to Make You Think
A Little About You
Name?: Denise/Monique
Age?: 17
Height?: 5'4"
Weight?: 105
Hair Color?: Black w/o sun sandy brown w/ it
Eye Color?: brown
Ethnicity?: Black
Astroglogical Sign?: sagittarius
Status: Single/Married/Taken?: Taken
Hometown?: Hilton head
Nickname(s)?: Moni MoMo
This or That?
Brocoli or Asparagus?: Brocoli
Zipper or Button-Fly?: dont matta
Zippo or Bic?: i guess bic cuz i dunno what zippo iz
Vans or Adidas?: Adidas
Madonna or Cyndi Lauper?: Uhhm Madonna..(who da hell iz Cyndi)
Beer or Liquor?: Liquor
Night or Day?: Night
Rain or Sunshine?: Rain
Frankenstein or Dracula?: Dracula da otha dude 2 big
Rock or Country?: well i guess rock, if i gotta listen 2 it i don wanna no wat dey sayn
James Dean or Elvis Presley?: Elvis, once again dont no da otha dude
Treehouse or Houseboat?: house boat
Fly or Breathe Underwater?: Dont really no the difference
A Little More Personal...
What do you do for a living?: Uhhhmmm, sleep go to work n go 2 skol
How would you want to die if it was your choice?: in my sleep
Have you ever been cheated on?: as of what i no of, no
Have you ever cheated on anybody?: yeah
What is your biggest regret?: i dunno
What is your biggest fear?: Spiders, i hate dem thangz
Last movie you saw at a theater?: rush hour 3
What did you wear today?: a pink shirt with a shirt w/ flowers and pink open toe shoes
Do you drink?: Naw not really
Do you smoke?: no
How about drugs?: no
Have you ever been arrested?: hell naw
If so, what for?: N/A
Movie?: Love and basketball
Song?: 504 boys n Mercedes-can tell and all my life
Singer (Male)?: Plies, Boosie, Webbie
Singer (Female)?: Trina, Khia
Band?: I guess Pretty Ricky
Book?: Every thug needs a lady, thug matramony, and thugs and the women who love them
Color?: Pink
Quote?: "pimpin...pimpin"
Food?: Mac n cheese, collard greens, red rice and pork n beans n rice
Restaurant?: Outback
Finish the sentence...
It has been a while since I...: went shopping
I will never, ever...: commit suicide
Why does it always seem...: like nothng eva go right
How am I going to...: leave my frins
I sure hope no one...: decides dey wanna fight me
I don't think it is funny that...: you make fun of a retarted person
Maybe I will...: clean mah room
Random Questions
If you won 1 million dollars, what would you spend it on?: a house or a car
How long has it been since you've played with silly putty?: 7th grade
What would your name be if you were a cartoon character?: Khiyana
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?: Yeah
When was the last time you walked in the rain?: Wen i waz n Sav between 5 n 7 months ago
If you had to go back in time, what year would you choose?: 1997
Why did you choose that year?: cuz dats how far i memba back 2
What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?: liver
What celebrity would you want to eat lunch with (living or dead)?: Plies baby
When was the last time you...
Played hide and seek?: like 8 yrs ago
Read a comic book?: i dont read dose
Faced a fear?: like last year i killed a baby spider
Chased someone on foot?: don memba
Had a food fight?: neva, i aint bout 2 mess up ma clothes
Dressed up for Halloween?: 3 or 4 yrs ago
Ignored somebody?: err day lol
Kissed someone?: today (12-3)
Got a haircut?: neva otha den ma ends
Had a crush on someone?: like 3 months ago
Ate sushi?: uhm last year?
Sat around a campfire?: bout 3 or 4 yrs ago
Sang aloud and what song was it?: everyday and 2 every song i no
Laughed?: al da tyme
Cried?: uhm u don wanna no
Significant Other (skip if it doesn't apply to you)...
How old is he/she?: uhm yeah well..........
How long have you been together?: 3 months
How did you two meet?: uhm no comment
Do you have a nickname for him/her, and what is it?: Tay, Tav, n babi kakes
Have you met his/her parents?: sorta
Do his/her friends like you?: yup yup yup
Are you in love with him/her?: of corse
What is your favorite memory with him/her?: our first day together
Say something that he/she would only understand...: ug moe
Do you have a song, if so what is it?: Justin Timberlake-until the end of time
Do you think you will be together forever?: yup yup yup
What physical feature do you like best about him/her?: dimples n dreds
If you could change one thing about him/her, what would it be?: nothin
Do you have a hangout?: not really
Do you hold hands often?: uhm depends on where we r
Name five things that describe his/her personality::
1.: Fun/funny
2.: Agressive
3.: demanding
4.: Playful
5.: Tough
What was the last thing he/she bought you?: i dunno, usually he give me money
What was the most romantic thing he/she has done for you?: don wanna no
What is his/her favorite song?: a lot of em
Have the two of you talked about marriage?: yeah
First thing that comes to mind after reading this word...
egg: sausage
safety: buckle/belt
dark: light
pickle: green
sharp: object
fear: spider
steal: money
dog: chiwawa
lemon: yellow,sour
drug: weed
fuzzy: slippers
sour: apple
dance: hall
bed: time
key: hole
good: bad
Some More Faves...
Thing to say?: Ass hole
TV show?: baby looney tunes
Cartoon?: baby looney tunes
Store?: D.E.M.O
Brand of jeans?: Baby phat
Sport?: I guess basketball
Hobby?: Shopping
Website?: a shoe website
Candy?: twix n snickers
Restaurant?: outback
City?: Atlanta
Kind of vacation?: A beach like type
Number?: 4
Drink?: Sweet tea
Alcoholic drink?: uhm something
Vegetable?: Corn n Brocoli
Fruit?: Strawberries
The last of the random questions...
What is your worst habit?: chewing on stuff
Who is your best friend?: Niecey (shaniequa),sweetie Pie (Megan) n Moe
How long have you two known each other?: 7, 4, n 4 years
What would they say your biggest weakness is?: Spiders
What would they say your biggest strength is?: yelling
What is one word to describe yourself?: Fabolous
Do you like to cook?: Yup
If you could visit one country, which one would it be?: France
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah
Do you sleep with the TV or radio on?: yeah
Do you have a pet?: i dunno
Have you ever been thrown into a pool fully clothed?: yes
Have you ever been to a party that was busted by the cops?: no
Have you ever funnelled a beer?: ewwww no
Have you ever been shot?: uh no
Have you ever shot anyone?: uh no
Do you play any musical instruments?: uh no
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My Interests

I like ta talk on the fone, chill, dance n chill, sing and chill wit my home gurlz n boiz...
Long, Random, Interesting, Bored, Blah, Fun.
The Basics
Full name:: Monique
Home town:: Hilton Head Is
Birthday:: NOVEMBER 27,1990
Hair color:: Sandy Brown
Eye color:: Brown
Height:: 5'1" last tyme i checked
Contacts or glasses:: Clolred contacts
Piercings:: ears
Do you wear any rings?: yup
What shoes do you wear?: Timberlands, rees, and heels
Just Lately
How are you today?: chilled
What pants are you wearing?: Tommy Hifiger boxers
What shirt are you wearing?: White wifebeater
What song are you listening to right now?: We fly high RMX.
What was the last thing you ate?: Red rice
How is the weather right now?: cold
What time is it?: 8:52
More About You
What are the last four digits of your phone?: 0940
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: Pink
Have you ever almost died?: yeah
Do you like the person you got this survey from?: yeah she ight (JP)
What makes you happy?: FINE BOIZ
What's the best advice ever given to you?: I don memba
Ever done drugs?: UHMMM....maybe
What sport do you hate the most?: baseball
What sport do you love the most?: basketball
How many TVs do you have in your house?: 9
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yeah mi baby taz
Have you ever broken a bone?: nope
Who do you tell your dreams to?: people who ask
Your Friends
Who is the...
Loudest?: Raven
Quietest?: Shanie (so people think)
Weirdest?: Ilse
Smartest?: Monique
Funniest?: Megan,Kaysha,Monique, n Macheri
Most energetic?: kaysha
Least energetic?: Ilse
Preppiest?: Noelle
Blondest?: Megan
One you can trust with anything?: Ma'Cheri
Best friend?: Ma'Cheri n Kaysha (family not included)
Most likely to end up in jail?: Monique (going to see her man or for murder)
Cutest?: Willie n Tavis
Daredevil?: Megan or Moe
Shortest?: Noelle
Tallest?: Moe
Would you die for your friends?: I love yall but HELL NAW!!!
Do you have a crush on any of your friends?: naw used to though
You and Love
Do you believe in love?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yeah
Do you want to get married?: Of course
What song do you want to be played at your wedding?: Avant and Tamia-my first love
Long or short hair?: Dont matta jus gotta look good on em
Curly or straight?: Dont matta jus gotta look good on em
Tall or short?: Taller than me would be nice
Good boy or bad boy?: Dont matta jus gotta treat me right
Hat or no hat?: Dont matta jus gotta look good on em
Ears pierced or not?: Pierced
Dimples?: YES (but if dey don got em dats koo 2)
Studly or cutie?: Both but mostly cute
Smart or dumb?: smart but not smarter than me
Boxers or briefs?: Boxers
Funny or romantic?: Both
Regular or thong undies?:
Painted nails or not?:
Dressy or casual?:
Curly or straight hair?:
Dark, light, or cool/crazy eyes?:
Hat or no hat?:
Hair up or down?:
Jewelery or not?:
Tall or short?:
Smart or dumb?:
Blonde or brunette?:
Pants or skirt?:
Funny or romantic?:
Lights on or off:: off
McDonalds or Burger King:: BK my way
Do you wish on stars?: sometimes
Which finger is your favorite?: Middle, pinky, n ring
What do you think of the person you took this from?: She a real koo cat
Do you like your handwriting?: When i aint rushin
What's your favorite lunch meat?: ham or bologna
Any bad habits?: seeing otha peoples nails dirty, or seeing somebody biting their own nails
Do you have any embarrasing CDs on your shelf?: nope (da shelf broke n e way)
If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?: OF COURSE!!
Are you a daredevil?: if it got 2 do wit death, no
Do looks matter?: yeah
What do you miss the most right now?: sweets
What are you thinking of right now?: sweets (chocolate to be specific)
Do you think there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: no
Do fish have feelings?: ookkkaaaayyyy (no)
How do you release anger?: sleep
Where is your second home?: right cross da street
Do you trust others easily?: no
What was your favorite toy as a child?: baby taz
What class in school do you use as "nap time"?: third block or fourth block
Are you in love with someone?: yeah
What's your favorite color(s)?: pink n baby blue
What is your least favorite thing in the world?: snakes n spiders
Ever been on TV or in the newspaper?: yeah
What do you do when you're sad or depressed?: write poems about it
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: YUP
What are your nicknames?: Moni and MoMo
Would you bungee jump?: Uhhmmm, i dont think i would
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: no
What are you worried about right now?: going to bed late
Anything else you want to add?: Im sexxi
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Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my numba one (God), Lil JJ, Missy Elliott, Ludacris, Evan, Lil Wayne, Yola, Jibbs, Chris brown, Trina, Mary J., Ciara, T-Pain, Ne-Yo, Sill da shocker, and when i get to heaven Camo, Left eye, Tupac and Aaliyah.


Straight Rap and RnBBlueberry Yum Yum

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love and Basketball, Friday, Poetic Justic, Trippin', Rush Hour, Scary Movie 1,2, n 3, the wood and some otha ones i cant memba rite now.
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*BET, (former) UPN, MTV, and the Food channel.
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What does your birth month reveal about you?

Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinkforward. Unique. brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive. Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. amiable. Brave. generous. Patient. Stubborn. hardhearted. Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked. Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self. Dont appreciate praises. Highspirited. Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest. Keepsecrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable.
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My Blog

Whut up

Man im bored and i just got finished looking at b.e.t.'s rip the runway and i waz lookin at the G-Unit clothes and i neva now dat dey had sooo much pretty dresses 4 girls/women.............dey waz cut...
Posted by ~*DON WORR BOUT ME...LET ME GET ME*~ on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 06:16:00 PST