travelling, espresso, Framboise, business, puppies, entertaining, cooking, discovering local things (like downtown LA) and there is more but can't think of it right now
God (not for a while however), whomever brews Framboise, a massage therapist who needs a willing back to practice on...
Coldplay, Damien Rice, David Gray, Dave Matthews, Ludacris (because of Natalie), Van Halen (because I'm the best air-guitarist ever), TEITUR!!!!, Michael Buble, old cheesy songs....
Being married to a film guy you'd think I'd have a list right off the top of my head, but this is taking a while. Shawshank Redemption Forrest Gump Upside of Anger (hardly anyone's seen this and I love it) Walk The Line (I'm so upset it's not nominated for best pic) The list goes on... but I'm tired of thinking
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS (I dream about the cast like they are real friends of mine), Lost, AFV, Studio 60
Blue Like Jazz, Cliff notes, Redeeming Love, special interest books.... I'm not like my husband who can read 24/7 though I wish I was.
Denise Peterson, Christel Rohrs, anyone who can leave everything they know and move to another country for the sake of others, My husband...