music...always! MUSIC always relaxes me. i listen to music in every where i go. of course, i have my own stereo that i can blast out in my room. Maybe the next thing i need to get is my own guitar...
i also enjoy dancing...not that i'm any good but it's fun.
tO mY gUrLs, ThANkX fOr eVeRyThInG u hAvE dONe FoR mE. I mIsS u GuRlS sO mUcH. lEt`S hAnG oUt AgAiN wHeN cOlLeGe Is OvEr!!! hEhEhE
*LeAvE mE a NoTe!!*
friends, friends, friends...espically boys, boys, boys. yup!
*mY p@gE*
BlEaMy~ **@MySpAcE.cOm**
HeY pEePs..ThAnX fOe CoMmIn` By My PaGe HeA...sInCe Ur AlReAdY hEa..DoN`T mInD TaGgIn` Me Up AlRiTe..TaKe MiGhTy KaRe PeEpS...
AmY *sigh* AmY *LAUGHs* AmY *WiNks* AmY ^SINGs^ AmY *PRAYs* AmY ^cRiEs^
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ahh...i like hip-pop and r&b music because i can dance to it. Trance music is really kool when i work-out. Rock music, that's what i'm really into now becuase i don't know...i jux like it.
movies, humm...i don't know...too many to name. my brothers and i rent movies mostly every weekend. it's better than doing nothing. hehea. but, yeah, the kind of movie that i watch is action movies, funny movies, animation movies (hey my brothers got me into it), and a little of the scary movies. i don't really like scary movies because i sleep by myself and it gives me the creeps. eww..AmY *SIGH* AmY *LAUGHS* AmY *sings* AmY *winked* AmY ^prays^ AmY *sneezed* AmY ^cried^
man...i..===================================== humm...i like the 70's shows because they're funny. i like MADtv because they're funny sometimes, and i like MTV only when they put on music videos. ALSO, south park is KOOL!
damn, i don't know...but most books i have read is pretty much boring. i'm more hooked on romance books. ehhe. yeah, i hate reading books that have no stories or no life. i don't want to read lessons, i wanna read characters and have a storyline. heheha. i can name all of those books that i have jux finished reading, but i'm tired typing them. but, the main thing is u know what kind of books i like to read. hehea.
wow, heros...humm...i wonder who influences me the most? Actually, i have this guy, who of course everyone knows about him. Many people believe whatever he says, even my parents believe in him. well, pretty much u can guess by's JESUS. hey, i know ur probably tired of reading peeps heroes about him, but i don't care...he's my hero too. hehe, i realize that no matter what things i've done without him, my life is incomplete. it makes me want to search for something more than jux being here. i've done bad things and i'm asking for forgiveness. i wonder is it because i've drifted away from him or because i'm older to realize what life is all about?
===you know, i think my parents r my role models. i don't know, but i realize that how much they do to fit in society. my mom does not speak english nor read, but she passed her driving test and been driving ever since. my dad, he never went to skool, but got a certificate in math courses and tried to understand english. he even attempted in reading a magazine by himself, which i find it difficult for him to understand. But, anyone can be anything if they try harder. that's what my dad always say to push me through college. i mean, i'm not a smart person who can get A's on all my classes. i have no talents, and i'm stuck here in this divided world. i jux admire the fact that even though they can not speak or read english, they can accomplish the impossibles.