Generations profile picture


About Me

After Jim came back from Iraq the members of Generations where walking in all different directions.
Chris Through: is currently teaching 7th and 8th graders and is vigilantly working on furthering his education.
Preston: has finished college and passed the teachers state exam, he is also a teacher.
"Little" Chris: is currently in college and working on his career as a politician.
Jim: is an Engineer and spends much time with his lovely family and friends.
All though our lives are moving progressively towards the future our bonds of friendship are stronger then ever. Generations will be back together for one final weekend. We look forward to seeing all of our friends and family.
Thank you all for the support and love.
GENERATIONS began in the fall of 2005 with the hopes of blending various elements of hardcore from the past to the present. With a lineup that ranged in age from 17-30, their influences proved to be numerous, ranging from youth crew to contemporary hardcore to post hardcore rock'n'roll. Not wanting to fall into one particular mold, the band set out to create their own. From the very first practice a progressive sound emerged that combined the fast-pace of youth crew hardcore with the hard-hitting rhythms of rock. With the addition of Jim's intensely passionate and personal lyrics, the band knew they had something special brewing.
After a few months of practices, Generations played their first two shows in CT and NY in early December 2005. It is safe to say that the unsuspecting crowds were awe-struck by the band as they spent more time in the air than on the stage, showcasing a frenzied and impassioned live performance that easily recalls the memory of bands such as Chain of Strength and Youth of Today.
After the shows, the band was approached by Tom Capone (Beyond, Bold, Quicksand), who expressed interest in working in the studio with the band. In mid December, Capone and the band entered Vipen Studios in Long Island, NY and recorded a four song demo.
Things quickly fell into place for Generations after the release of their demo. In addition to an extremely receptive local crowd in CT, the band's music began to circulate around the worldwide scene. Within weeks of the release of the demo, Mankind Records from California asked the band to sign to their label. The band agreed and recorded two new songs to pair with their four song demo.
With a brand new 7"/CDEP entitled "Our Times" available on MANKIND RECORDS and East Coast dates with THE TRADITION, EXPIRED YOUTH and HAUNTED LIFE, as well as SoCal dates that included a gig with GORILLA BISCUITS, COMEBACK KID and SET YOUR GOALS already behind them, Generations have already begun to spread their music and message across the country. With a growing group of enthusiastic fans, it is safe to say that Generations is here to stay.

My Interests


Member Since: 20/12/2005
Band Website: You're Looking At It..
Band Members: Current Line-up:
Jim - Vox
Preston XI - Bass
Robby Granoth - Drums
Chris Through - Guitar

On Demo and CDEP/7":
Jim - Vox
Lil' Chris - axe I
Preston XI - bass
Chris Through - axe II
Adam - beats
Influences: Chain of Strength, Cro mags, In My Eyes, Leeway, Mental, Outspoken, Quicksand, Youth Of Today and probably a thousand more.......
Sounds Like: You tell us..
Record Label: Mankind Records
Type of Label: Indie

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