Are we there yet?! profile picture

Are we there yet?!

Living a full life, yet still wanting.

About Me

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My family is the most important thing to me other than my Faith. Anyone can tell you that if you have a problem with ONE of us you have to take on the ENTIRE Clan!!!! No matter what any of us have done good or EXTREMELY stupid, it doesn't matter, we are always there ! Even for my AWESOME friends,and those who aren't so close, I will stand up for you the same way. (Then i might slap you later, but only in private.) I love all of you!!!
What genre of Metal are you?
Classic Metal Bands like Accept, Dio, Warlock, and Judas Priest. Music is: Heavy, melodic, and usually super-catchy and super-simple. You are old school. You know what you like and despite many others coming along claiming to do something better, you stick to what you know is good with an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” kind of mentality. You are conservative and sometimes you feel like others are passing you by.

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" ACHTUNG ! Erin McPherson may actually be a spider-human hybrid
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My Interests

Driving in the mud, playing pool, singing, the drive-in (to WATCH movies! not just to make out! hahaha) I love to find & explore places that are illegal to enter or just well hidden, hiking, driving outside the lines, and trucks.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus,& my grandpa McPherson when we finally get there! (Heaven).


I know most people say they like everything, but seriously I DO like everything. Bagpipes and the sort are my MOST FAVORITE!!!


The Goonies!,Young Guns 1 & 2, Pirates of the Caribbean, ALL Tim Burton's movies, Young Frankenstein, all suspenseful movies, and you can't forget the classics: the Haunting, House on Haunted Hill.... all of Vincent Price's films and lots more but i'm tired of listing all of them and I'd rather watch one right now....


All the old time shows like: Mash, Dukes of Hazzard baby!, I Love Lucy, Home Improvement, Most Extreme Challenge, Mama's Family, Life W/ Louie, Scooby Doo (w/out Scrappy), Tom & Jerry, and there are just so many...I love Lost, The Family Guy and COPS. I do detest the reality shows, I mean COME ON, Just go outside!


The BIBLE, " Too Soon" by my grandpa, Samuel Cox; and any suspense thrillers.


My Dad! Actually both of my parents!