Hi my name is Ashley i'm 19 i gave my heart to the lord at the age of 12... I just graduated from High school in May. I'm going to TCC to start my career in Crimnal Justice and then i going to be going to Honor School for my Christian life.I love my family and friends and if you mess with them then you will have to mess with us all. I love my lord God so much and i changed my life sytle so much and i'm really happy that i have a new life and the lord back in my life.Just to let you guys only guys that i do work on cars i have been working on cars since i was 8 years old... On Aug 9, 2007 I lost my best friend in the world do to a fatal DRUNK Driving accient and i miss him so much its just hard to lose your best friend....LIVE FOR TODAY, PLAN FOR TOMORROW, FORGET YESTERDAY.Genesis 12:1
"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, untio a land that I will show thee."
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