Necu da ti kazemmmmm..celavi!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
Someone who does unusual things in life and don`t give a shit about other people`s opinion.
TOOl, A Perfect Circle, EKV, Ritam Nereda, Kud Idijoti, Pekinska Patka, Azra, pichka majkina bre..mrsko mi nabrajati..o da ne zaboravim svemocni Bob Marley, onda Sublime i mnogo brojn ostali bendovi..
Movies that go on and on and on, and wait a minute, did i really forget to say "on"..Ohh look, imagine that i didn't..oh WOow is me....and all of the sudden-there it is happy ending, and they all live happily ever after...
..yeah, i have 3 in my house
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OHohohoho..well this is going to be very very long.. cuz there is a lot of people who diserve to be known in "Heroes" section on myspace..and only on MY space..:D
First runner up: Vera aka motherfuckin Specester; she's just great, man..i dunno even know what to say 'bout her..SHE IS IT!! She's like another female version of me, wait a minute, oopps i'm a female too..but yeah, we're like twins and stuff..but definitivly random one..:D
Second runner up: Kelly aka K-dazzel; well she's my homi, man..She's the person that i can run to and say: "Duudeeeeeeee, lets chill"..and she'll chill. Zato ona zasluzuje jednu titilu heroja.
Third and special runner up: Staci; Weeeell staci is my first Real American friend..and yeah, i just simply lover her obrashchitje, and yeah..
So that's about it, u faggots..go and find some heroes in your life also..:))