Names Dustin i'm 20 and i'm just not-so normal person that no one understands and i cant even understand myself, i'm to nice for my own good sometimes, i hate liers and lying, i'm easy to get along with and i'm a the easyest person to talk to. I love music and play the bass. I dont know were my life is heading right now, all i do is work cause all my friends are still in Highschool so i'm lonely all the time. O things i hate about people is when they lie, I hate lying so much.
I'm good at making people laugh, keeping promises that arn't out of my control, talking, listing, Moshing! XD, reading and idk realy what els o yeah i'm good at cooking helping anyone with problems
MY zodiac - The Scorpio
Everything here is exactly how i am, so enjoy learning about me
my positive side
Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting and Magnetic
my negative side
Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive and Obstinate
Intuitive and ever curious, Scorpios are the great investigators of the Zodiac. They want to know everything about everyone. When an answer is needed, a Scorpio will find it for you. Unfortunately Scorpios seem to see only in black and white. They always have their own agenda and never fail to promote it.
Scorpios are the masters of their fate. They know only one way to live: on their own terms. They do not live life but attack it. When life hands them a loss, they do not waste time sulking, but rather continue on their path, sure they will eventually succeed. Scorpios are driven by their intense passions and desires. Often they are seen as imperious.
Scorpios are a secretive lot. Those around them may never know the depth of their passions. Probing the Scorpio psyche will only make them leery and cause them to flee. Whether in business or play, Scorpios love to compete. Indeed to do well, they must have an opponent. Scorpios do not take slights well. If you cross them be assured they will retaliate with their full force. Scorpios never quit and never surrender. If anyone can get a difficult task done it is a Scorpio.
Scorpios have a dark and mysterious style which, combined with an irresistible personal magnetism, creates a fascination in members of the opposite sex. They ooze sexual excitement and require a partner who can keep up with their marvelous capacity for taking everything to the limit and far beyond. For Scorpios, emotions run deep, and their faculty of intuition is remarkably accurate, so their antennae can pick out a prospective partner at first sight. They need, however, to keep a part of themselves private and personal. They can react vigorously should a lover trespass in their personal domain.
Scorpios can be unduly domineering in personal relationships, especially should they perceive their partner to be weaker than themselves. Their biggest problem is finding someone who, while strong enough to maintain a tempestuous lifestyle, is interesting enough to remain a challenge. Once they find the right person they will mate for life.