About Me
__i'm sixteen, i'm normal. i love things that are good for me, like fruitella (aah, heaven!), my family, above all things, God, shopping, dancing, SINGING (when someone says s/he loves singing, it doesn't necessarily mean s/he's good at it.. ok!?), acting, and the like. i hate things that are bad, like VEGGIES!! or backstabbers, players, liars, social climbers, power trippers, etc, etc! i go gaga over PINK!! i like going out with my hubby, or my friends and family, i like to travel, i like swimming/ going to the beach, getting a tan, i like to surf or do water sports, i like to talk, and talk, and talk. i'm a socialite (but i guess i have to stop being one cuz... dot dot dot) i'm easy to please, i'm not a brat.. (only to jeron!=p) i laugh for no reason at all, without stopping, (and not to mention sounds ;p) and lastly, i'm in love=)
08-01-03 forevah!!!