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Leah ashley

I am here for Friends

About Me

It's like I'm pressed on the handle bars, Of a blind man's bike, No straws to grab, just the rushing wind, On the rolling mind,

My Interests

Music, nature, Banksy graffiti, elephants, the oceon, love, drinking, best friends, and fashion.

I'd like to meet:

The great escape


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Serendipity, Donnie Darko, The Rules of Attraction, Requiem for a dream, Garden State, D2 Mighty Ducks, The Secret Garden, Snatch, Polar Express, The Notebook, Blow, Kids, Closer,Edward Scissorhands, From Hell, Chronicals of Narnia, Lord of the Rings,Moulin Rouge,Crash, The good girl. Memento, American Beauty, A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, Almost Famous,Gummo


Sex and the City


Ray Bradbury

My Blog

The Art of Being Broken

Throughout the years of my torturous adolescent youth I have learned one thing..............that you can trust no one. Just when you think you have grown close to someone and you want to share your se...
Posted by Leah ashley on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:27:00 PST

Refrigerator Insperation

Posted by Leah ashley on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:02:00 PST