I'm Nizzar Khan Autencio Jannaral a.k.a. KHANKY, my PaCkaGinG iS a meRe XhiBitiOn oF mY exIstence iN thIs unFair niChe tHat i beloNg! I daRe YoU peOPLe tO teSt yOur ExperTise aNd pH.D's oN aPprehendinG mY TruE suBstaNce beCaUsE i BeLieved ThaT mY beIng is BeyOnd aNyoNe's exPectaTioNs & ComPreHension, & ThaT's foR reAL! pEoPle arOund me usuAllY mIsuNdersTooD mY cOursEs OF aCTions & ChOIces oF woRds buT sTill they Don't haVe the CapabiliTies tO judge me..i TrusT their Integrity But "THe PhiLosoPher" never Trust Their JUdgMent! i dO believe in myseLf eveN mY enviRonmenT TeLLs me noT tO co'Z beLieviNg is nEaR frOm bEcominG! jUst tRy to sPenD me some oF your tiMe tO know me sKIn DEEp & you'll never regret thaT you've chOseN to wasTe tIme oN a SimpLe Yet exTraoRdinaRy guY likE me! i have SomeTHing ThAt nOt aLL peOple pOssess thaT is...i'm true To MySeLf!!! i'm DynaMic...sO stRonG yeT sO weAk, so good yet So bAd, sO cOOl yet So Hot, sO hard yEt sO soFt, sO trUe YeT sO faKe, but Every AntaGonizinG aCts i CommiTted thEre's a very gOOd Logic foR thaT...& I give You fOlks The honoR to dEcipher it OuT wHat It is & whY! i'M not tHat So GooD lOOking guy ThaT can make YummIes stRip tHeiR uNdieS doWn & i'm noT thaT riChiE rIcH wAnnAbe ThaT can bUy cApriCioUs dreaM jusT tO makE hOttIeS not to FrowN bUt despiTe of the Lapses & inCapaBiLitiEs, i'M not bOrn haNdicaPPed, i was able to spRiNg uP & enHance The subsTance ThaT is UniquEly FouNd In Me even if i'm not perFect in Form w/ diGniTy i'LL stanD stouT in The crowD oF synoymoUs indiviDuaLs cO'Z mY idealistic appRoaCh to reaLity is mY lance agaInsT tHose waNNabe w/ envioUs agenda on mE!!%D%A%D%A
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