Fishing (wade, tube, river etc...) boat fishing is for rich old men or those too scared to get in the water
The dying holder of the Texas Lottery ticket who wants to hand it off to me to ensure the fortune does not go to waste.
trip hop, electronica, OLD country, 80's deep track alternative when I am feeling nostalgic
Bah... Hollywood needs to die.
See above.
I was an English major so I've read all the "I think I'm cool so I'll list this author" schlock. Basically, if it's good, well written and appears to have been authored by someone who finished high school then I am down. Currently, anything by an author with the last name of Herbert seems to be sitting well with me.
My wife, and any other woman (or guy) married to a service member or govt. employee who stands by their men (or woman) during year long deployments to bad places