I lOve my "DORK"!!!...its so weird how we found eachother...we are the most dumbest couples on the earth...just the things we do are crazy...we connect with eachother soooo well...gosh...i mean dork...heheh...inside joke!!...i LovE yOu baBe!
MmMmmmMmmm...gIvE mE sOMe oF tHaT sUgaR!
...your kiss isn't just a kiss...it's a symbol of love and a promise!
I wOuld lIke tO meEt mY "dOrK"...
tHis iS my dOrk...i wAnT tO sEe hIm evErydAy alThoUgh i caN't...tHis dOrkY buTt iS iN tHe aRmy...gAy tIaB os babE...
kUv ncO NcO kOj sO huRry uP aNd cOme bAck!
We wEnt to Wet N' Wild at Emerald's point...hahaha...damn it was alright...not as fun at MANTECA waterslide in Cali tho...i wanted to go on the V-Mats...hahah...but GAY NORTH CAROLINA...don't have shiet...hahaha...BABE...I MISS THE "WAVE"...HAHAHAHAH...
LooK aT mY dOrk...i hAvE nO cLuE whAt hE wAs tRyInG tO dO!...tHaT's wHeRe tHe dOrK cOmEs FrOm
HmOnG mOuA gIrLs
HmOng pRidE bEe-YaTcH!
ThEsE aRe mY bEsTeSt gIrLz!...wE aRe sO gOofY aNd sO fUnnIeS...iF YoU dOn'T kNow uS yeT...yOu beTtEr!...hahahah
Us gOiNg tO dEsTinY!...sOrRy nOuiE...i StolE tHiS piC!...hahaha...i LovE iT!...wE shOulD aDveRtisE it!
dork's words are like music to my ears...
he once said to me
"my one and only shooting star that i have ever wished upon.the only one to hold my heart up high into the sky with their wishes by its side"
My LilO NieCeS anD nePheW!
ArtHuR oS...
PeAcE oUt!