12 GagE
BorN aND raISed N LA, I leaRnED noT 2 TruSt nE onE. I'm yoUng buT i Kno thA coDe oF thA strEETz. At a YounG agE I wAS exPOsed tO thA streeTZ anD mY fuCCEd uP nayBorhOOd, BUT i still raiSe aboVe iT aLL and ChooSe 2 Do riTe 4 me anD my faMIly. I stARted raPPin aT thA aGe OF 10. I'm onLY 18 So iN thA fuTuRe imA gaiN alOt of exPerience, buT i StiLL ThinK I goT a CoO flOW. WuT U thiNK? I starTed raPPin CuhZ oF thA buLLshIT i WaZ goIN thRo. I saw ALoT oF shIT That a 10 YeaR olD hAd nO biZneSS seeIn. MY broTheR wAz IN the PEn anD stiLL iZ, I Jus haD alOt oF shIT on My LiL miND. So ONE daY i Jus sTartEd pUttIN mY thoughTz oN waX, anD iT waZ a wAY to VeNt ThA buLLshit oUT mY liFe, And thAtZ hoW 12 GagE waZ boRn. I gOT thA naME 12 GagE froM onE oF mAh homieZ aT skOOl. I waZ flOWIn ON tha blACC tOP aND Tha hOMie saID my FloW hit eM haRDer thAN a 12 gauge ShoTgun, AnD thaTZ HOw I goT mY namE. AlthO i'M youNG anD i dO ShiT thaT a GroWn maN shoulDnt bE doIN, I stILl haVe fUN whEn I haVE thA tiME To. I gO to Tha moVieZ, PLaY baLL, shiT i'M evEN oN thIS mySpace ShiT. BuT nE waY thaTZ aNUFF oF mE, TeLL me abOut yoURselF.SamPLe 0F thA stuFF thAt keePz mE g0iN
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)