About Me
Lets see..... I am a friendly, fun loving JeRsEy girl (don't hate on the state), I love to go out w/ my friends, dance/partAY, and enjoyyy life, as well as hang around, watch movies and relax. I am also a UMDNJ PA Student and currently on rotations for the next year in various hospitals around NJ. I spend most of my time studyin, procrastinating, eating or sleeping. Yeah... I'm pretty boring so thats about it...
<3 to JO, UBGs, PIC, LIBs, PSU crew, UMDNJ peeps, Barcelona and my panchetta girls LOL, and most impt my FAM
"there's only us, theres only this,
forget regret
or life is your's to miss"
If you cry b/c the SUN has gone down, your tears will keep you from seeing the STARS"
"I don't believe in the democratic party or the republican party... I just believe in parties" -Sex and The City
quote I like..
"I am from NJ. I curse... a lot. I say "yo", and I say it often. I never had school on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. I sure as hell don't pump my own gas. I know what real pizza tastes like, and I know that a bagel is much more than a fuckin' roll with a hole in the middle. I judge people by what exit they get off the turnpike I can navigate a circle--with attitude. All good nights must end at a diner--preferably with nachos. It's a sub, not a hoagie or, worse yet, a hero, and I wash it down with soda, not pop. I don't go to the beach, I go down the shore. And boardwalk brawls are just a part of the atmosphere. Yes, I drink cawfee. I know that 65mph really means 80. I've always lived within 10 minutes of a mall. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger. And they expect it. I am from New Jersey, and damn proud of it."--------------------------------------------------------