MRS. DENZUEL BELLAMY profile picture


It's Mrs. B 2 U!!!

About Me

girls layout @ HOT MyHotComments
HotFreeLayouts Hey ya'll. Welcome to my page!!! Thanks for checkin me out I hope u like it. I'm lookin for friends only cause I'm taken. I'm a student at VCU GO RAMS!!! I just like havin fun and chillin wit my baby. My baby makes me happy I'm no longer dwellin in the past. I'm happy with the man I got!! TRUST! I love u Twan!!!! If u like my page, holla at me! If not... I really don't care!!!
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My Interests

Chillin wit my family, friends, and my future hubby. I'm in school so I'm tryna buckle down and get these grades.

I'd like to meet:

.+*Your Relationship*+.(Should take if you are in a serious relationship,not married)
.+*The Relationship*+.
When was the first time you knew you loved him/her?: The first time he looked in my eyes
What part of their personality is the most attractive?: His attitude
What part of them, physically, is most attractive?: His back!!!
If one of you had to break up, how far would you go to get them back?: Not worried about that
Would you apologize if you knew you were in the wrong?: Yep and I do
If something made him/her unattractive to you, would you change/not do it?: Not worried about this one either
Do you expect them to change for you?: We've both changed 4 each other
Do you ever wonder what could have happened with an ex?: Nope
Do you still have any romantic feelings for an ex?: Hell No!!!
Would you move for him/her?: Yep...and he'd do the same for me, wanna kno how I kno...
Are you scared to cry in front of him/her?: Nope I'd rather cry in front of him so he can wipe my tears lol!!
Have you revealed all your secrets to them?: Yes
Honestly,if you could never talk to them again, how would you feel?: Can't imagine that
What annoys you most about them?: His jealousy but I like that 2
If they wanted to wait till marriage for sex or wanted to stop and wait?: Lol I'm really not worried about this one!!!
You don't like their friends or they don't like yours, what do you do?: We deal with it cause we love each other
If they cheated, what would you do?: Not worried about this
.+*The Future*+.
Are you ready for marriage?: Duh...we're engaged!!!!!
How long should you date before engagement?: Ummm I can't say it was only 7 months 4 us LOL!!!
How long from engagement to marriage?: For us it'll b 3 years
Do you want kids? If so, how many?Boy or girl?: Yep Have 4 and adopt 1 or 2...still tryin 2 convince him lol
Top 3 Girl Names?(skip the next few if they don't apply): Malasia, still thinkin about the other one
Top 3 Boy Names?: Denzuel Antwan Jr., and Nathan Jamal
How would you discipline your children?: With the help of each other and God lol!!!
Teach them about religion?: Of course
Handle giving in to their wants?: He's gonna help me with that. I might spoil them.
What activities would you push them to try?: He's gonna make the boys play football and I'm gonna support them in whatever they do
Philosophy on their education?: Education comes after God and family
When you're married,settled down, what kind of house do you want?: A big house and we gotta take care of our moms
What area do you plan to live in?: We're not sure yet
What responsibilities should he/she have to take on as husband/wife?: Take care of the family and HELP financially and emotionally
What if they go out with friends and decide not to come home that night?: OH HELL NO!!!!!
What kind of interior decorating do you like?: Sophisticated
Will you have separate or joint checking accounts?: Joint
What setting do you want the wedding to be in?: Trying 2 decide if we want it inside a church or outside
How many guests?: Not sure
How elaborate will it be?: Very
What MUST be at the wedding/reception?: DANCIN AND FOOD!!!!
How many groomsmen/bridesmaids?: He says I want 2 many lol, so I don't kno!!!
What if they don't want groomsmen/bridesmaids?: He does
Where should the honeymoon be?: Some where like the Carribean
When they're old and don't look great anymore,will your feelings change?: I love him when his hair turns gray and i still want him if he gain a little weight, the way i feel 4 him will always b the same just as long as his love don't change lol!!!
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Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. Moody.
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I Love All Music, but it's R&B all the way! Keyshia Cole Chris Brown & Trey songz of course Destiny's Child Bow Wow ..START BZOINK.COM QUIZLET CODE

Whats Your Theme Song?

Created by christina0120 and taken 278381 times on Bzoink

Favorite Color? Red White Blue Black Orange Green Purple Pink Yellow Turquoise
Gender? Boy Girl Undecided I Don't Know Both Michael Jackson
What Do You Love To Do? Shop! Partying Sports Sing Write Be Goth Mope Rock Out To Your Fav. Punk Tunes Skateboard Dance to Missy
Fav. Sport?
Your Happy ____ Of The Time 67%

Your Perfect Theme Song Is... Like You by Ciara and Bow Wow

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..END BZOINK.COM QUIZLET CODE Just some favorites
How long do I last in bed? by DesideroAmor
Real Name
Birthdate (MM/DD/YY)
Favorite Color
Hours 6
Minutes 55


Bad Boyz All The Fridays BAPS
Your Birthdate: March 2
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.

Your strength: Your universal compassion

Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings

Your power color: Mauve

Your power symbol: Butterfly

Your power month: February What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


Charmed Fresh Prince Martin Good Times


I love all Omar Tyree books!


I edited my profile with Thomas€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !