Music, The Bible, Sports, Real Estate, My Daughter. Blind Fury! The Singer & Freestyle King!
I am going to meet Jesus, and anyone who could tell me more about the bible and God! I would also like to meet anyone who is willing to share their wisdom or anyone who is willing to listen to mine. I would like to meet incredible talent! I would love to meet just people who are not scared to fail!% Lenox,Ike Dirty and Ying Yang Twins
Hip-Hop, Classic R Outkast 1st Manager!
Star wars series, Color Purple, New Jack City, all black films! Lean on me, Idlewild. Matrix. Coming to america, Do the right thing, The passion of the christ! Mocha Getting Ready for a Show!
E.S.P.N, Bet, Mtv, T.B.N. Good Times, Martin, anything from the 80's Felix Meuon & Kane!
Bible, The source, XXl, Kevin Liles book, Any entertainment magazine. Jet. Ebony, Vibe. .. width= Me & Monica
Jesus, My Mama, My Gradma,my Grandpa's My daughter! Mocha & Sean Paul