~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? profile picture

~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK?

*$* Rochelle*$*~AkA VaNilLa`IcE~

About Me

love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsHey! im ROCHELLE. Ill do anything that sounds fun and even sum stupied things but i do have my limit. You can come to me with anything but know that ima tell it how it is. Im loud sometimes but always tons of fun! my best friend is Tonya Thompson we have been there for each other since the 1st grade.also my cuzin who is like a best friend has been there for me since i was 2! its good most of the time just liven my life to the fullest! keepin my life real close to God and just havin fun! ya know?N.3.R.D. SQUAD 4 LYFE!!!: WHITE GUH{ROCHELLE},TAY{TONYA}, TWIGIZ{YURI},LIGHT SKIN{CHRIS}VETTIE{YVETTE}FATTY FAT{CHARDAY} AND OUR NEWEST MEMEBER: WHITE BOI {DERRICK AKA ROCHELLES MAN} AND SHOE SHOE (FALISITY)

My Interests

I love just having a good time. anything i am haven fun no matter what tho lol and one other thing... my cuzin carolyn aka my love!!!
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts my aunite and cuzmy bro

I'd like to meet:

MyHotComments {you know who you are}Derrick one of the most important people in my life i truly love him!!!


Rap and r&b, christan rap and like everything...ill give anything a chance bridget i love her shes the nicest person ull ever meet mad love there!!!*"babyboi its bout me nd you,ma ex is in tha past.. i swear ur so much betta than ma last..if u would juss listen ill show you im on a mission ta give you all tha love you been missin,ma heart's beatin kant you hear it?, if im tha music ur ma lyrics"*You can make any walking being in love with you even if you don't want them too. You are sweet, caring and totally HOT but sometimes you are quite sensitive. Just remember don't let insecurities hold you back because you might miss out on the love of your life
How do you compare?
my mommy and auntie and daddy and uncle and lil brother LOL




i dont watch tv dat much but its all good when i do its almost always MTV or a reality show or sumthin lol
MyHotComments my booboo chris!!! my cuzin kara i love her*club kiss*


http://pimp.myyearbook.com/toys/nyb/Books???? read??? lol j/p naw a read sum things lol i do foreal lol like teen ppl and all kindas of stuff lol and what they make me read plus like romance and other things too! AND MY BIBLE! and lately iv been into reading things that actually matter thanks to Derrick. me and my best friend Tonya goin to da culb LOL


God and my lord will always come first!! and than my parents!I love my mom to death shes the koolest and shes like me best friend kinda! and then my dad is always there for me no matter how bad i have messed up he'd never let me fall! i love dem!and of course My two best friends Tonya and Carolyn! I love you both!They always got my bak no matter how deep we in we a ride or die friend ship right dar! I would give my life for them there my other halfs!!!!!! and it dont matter whats goning down we gonna have fun!!!! cookie time*!!and then DERRICK he is my boo and my best freind i love him in somany wayz! he has been threw more than i can imagine and i suport every moment cuz i admire how strong he is.Hes my everything i would seriously do anything for him i truely can i say i now know what love is and i love him and only him!!! and then theres bridget! now thats my sweet heart! i love her to death she always has a word of encoruagement when things are down! she'd never stab ya in da back!or ever talk mess bout u, shes a true friend and i love her! and i miss her since she left last june ;( LOVE YOU B!! and my brother cameron! 2 years younger than me and bad as ever! but hes still my boi and i love em! and then theres gaiL! my auntie my second ma! i love her and everything shes dun!Passtor Elder now thats love! plus my boys, Travis, kenny,elon, and even jeff. and all u other ppl who think dang i should have my name up there well its only cuz u all know i got a mind like a gold fish and juss forgot so u gotta remind me LOL love u ALL tho!!!!***************************************************** ******People I CaRE AL0T B0UT! S0 mess wit em' n i'll break yo face! ya heard. My World: Baby Zachary! My Love: Derrick!!! My Home Slice:Travis!!! My BuDDy: Chris!!! Da Bosses Assistant: Cameron!!! My G0 Stupid Partner: Carolyn!!!!My Drinking Partner: alos Carolyn and Derrick and Gail!!! My Husband: Derrick baby real husband!!! My Friend:Kanisha!!!My Best Friends: Tonya N Carolyn!!!! SiSTA:Caorlyn N Tonya!!!! NggAh: Hakeem!!!My Stuffster: Harold aka BIG Stuff lol!!! My Listener: Pat my work buddy!!! M Native: Danielle "like oh my gosh!" lol!!! My Redheaded:Shelby!My Brothers: Tr00per & J0sh freaks,but fun ta chill wit.Also my real bros cameron and zachary.!!!!My Rapper: Travis Kenny Elon and Jeff!!!!My Boo Brian!! My Tarzan: Ryan!My Buddy ol' pal: Erik!!! My High Five Pal: Shauna!!! My Texting Fried:Perrie!!!Do Nuttin Friend: Tye-Dye lol luv ya guh! MANY MORE BUT THOSE ARE THE WUN I COMMUNICATE WIT DA MOST!
a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15aG90Y29tbW VudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzLnBocD9pZD0xMjUzNw==%

My Blog


This whole time i was looking for "Mr. Perfect" when really all i wanted was Mr.Him. The guy whos never gunna be considered perfect, who messes up and makes me cry. The guy who would rather be honest ...
Posted by ~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:22:00 PST

Tonight i got in a car crash with my bestfriends!!!

Tonight i got in a car crsh with MY BEST FREIND{Tonya} i hit her from behind!!! totaled my car and scratched up hers!!!! my other best freind{Yvette} was in the car along with her lil brother {RJ}in t...
Posted by ~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST

what do you do when...?

what do you do when everything around is failing and nuthing is going ur way? when you are so caught up in everything and so busy ur forget to breath and no matter how hard u try nuthing goes right an...
Posted by ~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:26:00 PST

You cant force love

 You can't force someone to love you; all you can do is become someone who can be loved; the rest is up to them. - If we never felt sorrow, we'd never recognize bliss. - Love begins with a smile,...
Posted by ~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:23:00 PST

As i stood there

As I Stood There   The wind was blowing and the tide was low all I could think was you, Your touch, your smell, your every little move was on my mind and was there to stay for quite sometime. ...
Posted by ~RoChElLe~Im In Love With The HULK? on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 05:26:00 PST