wassup MYSPACE.com, welcome to a real "celebrities" page, allow me to INTRODUCE myself, the name is
DAMITRIC, yes my real NAME. sexy isn't it? the name is RUSSIAN... if you KNOW me personally, you'd prolly have a nick-name for me, now for those who don't know me personally, it's NOTHING more or NOTHING less.
DAMITRIC is what you should address me as........... MOVING right along, seeing as how I am so DOUGIE. I must give da FRESH approach on things.......
ok, so it's a NEW YEAR. whomp whomp. I decided to not plan any "new year resolutions", for what? I mean, most people who do that never fall through with any of there resolutions. Me, on the other hand. I have decided to just do & be my best. I have a different approach on life & my surroundings. I've grown so much. I cannot believe how much i've changed as a individual. Some people would define me as a
UNIQUE, RESERVED, LAID-BACK kind of dude. I will have to agree. I have my good days and clearly I have my bad days. I'm only a asshole if you make me out to be one. I don't play, I don't bite my tongue nor do I deal with people's bullshyt. If I feel you're a fraud, a phony or just a flat out liar.. I will completely cut you out my life & act like I never fuckin' knew ya.
FYI. Don't get on my bad side, I am warning you in ADVANCE. as stated, I am a cool guy. Just don't step on my toes. K!
Here's some interesting facts about me:
I am a very
blunt individual
I am not a morning person
Jesus is my homeboy
My mom is my best friend
I was born a day after Halloween
100% African American
I am the youngest of (3) children
Brown & Red are my (2) favorite colors
I wanna learn how to play the piano
Real talk, I was born in Beverly Hills, CA
I currently live (alone) in Ontario, CA
Re-locating to Georgia late-2007
I love cuddling & making out
Most of the time I don't give a damn
Burberry cologne is my favorite
I love Jamba Juice
I am right handed
road rage is EXTREMELY bad
Loves ALL music except COUNTRY
Horror & Comedy movies are my favorites
I have both my nipples pierced, as well as both my ears
I have 5 tattoo's
"Kiss ass" is my favorite saying
Jay-Z is my idol
I've never arched my eyebrows
Nicole Richie is my WIFE &
Foxy Brown is my LOVE
Seafood Fanatic
Addicted to My MDA device & Porn (ha
Now everybody loves to be nosey, all up n my shit... DAMN yo.... It seems like everybody wants to question my sexuality, so I guess I'll feed into your nosey lives...bLah bLah bLah... it's KRAZY how much people focus in on ONE individual. BUT let me clear the air and let the steam out, imma just put it out on the table. I don't consider myself to be STRAIGHT, but I also don't consider myself to be gay. Even classifying myself to be BI-SEXUAL would be untruthful and false. I am beyond BI-CURIOUS because i've already hopped both sides of the fence & have evaluated my experiences. I am not big on TITLES nor LABELS... but in this case. I'll consider myself to be a
Ahh, I am different. How? some may ask?! we'll I am not your typical "dude". I don't claim no hoods NOR do I "try" to act hard. I am just me, comfortable in my own skin. I surround myself around people who stand out, people who have there own personalities. I am very selective of my
FRIENDS & SURROUNDINGS. I live ALONE for a reason, I can't be in a room with the same person for HOURS and HOURS unless we are LOVERS. I have a
few good friends by my side whom have been there with me through THICK n THIN. I've witness a lot, and have been through many struggles. Everyday I wake up, I am constantly thanking the lord for all the blessings, because as we all know.
TOMORROW isn't promised.
I'd like to take the time and say, thanks FOR checking out my MYSPACE page. I hope you experienced something good on my page & hopefully you'll visit again soon. PEACE
loKal celeb
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