Oi Matty O profile picture

Oi Matty O


About Me

Im Matty O.... pretty hektic aye?
i love drifting around in the rain with my handbreak pulled u
i froth on the weekends
and i drift pizzas around
im bit of a surf slut when it comes to summer and in winter i just lie in hot showers to keep my self warm :)
i tend to wake up early and splash around in the local rock pool then pee in it so i can laugh at all the other lil choppers that splash around in it later!
i can do air reverses when surf/skating matts street! i dont give a fuck about gay cunts that beep me cos im skating around a round about! i should beep you cos its my fucken round a bout cunt aka it has my name on it!
i cant drive normally! i dont know why? probly cos going sideways is more fun then going straight!
used to ride bikes.... got over it cos im not a skit emo fagget any more....(and yes i can do back flips)
i like playing around with my lil dj program on my computer mixing it up from time to time! im pretty shit so half the stuff that comes out the speakers sounds alot like a hippopotamus figthing a jiraffe
Ps the hippopotamus wins!
ive got like 13 surfboards or sumthing? bit of a spolit dick arnt i! nah half are my bros i just ride them and ding them up for him cos im a kook and like running into rocks!
sprayed a couple of my boards! if ur into art i guess they look kinda cool? if ur not ull probs think i have downsyndrome.
i dont like germs or sharing drinks with people! aka i dont know where uve been/who uve shared drinks with/where those people have been/what germs they have/etc aka germs are chat and make me sick :(
used to have a dream car! got to caught up in the moment of drink drifting which ended in hitting a gutter doing 80 and fucking her hole front end :( (one of the stupid things i didnt understand)
i like to go to music festivals aka sneaky sound and chemical brothers!
gonna be a sick real estate agent and sell lots of dodgy houses to people at very high prices so i get lots of sick commission :)
for everything else theres [email protected]
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My Interests

Surfing, surf/skaten matts street, kicking wilson around matts street


Ministry of Matty O
DANCE, RnB, Hard NRG, Salems mixes (Mish Mashed Sessions)

For Sale $500SharleneChemical BrothersB-Live TentSuperman Tent Jumpers


102 cm Sony LCD Foxtel Digital Subwoofer Pumping Beast


the bible is a good book to hook into!!!


Joey is a retard spastic girl hhaha but i love her for it ♥

Sammy and me rip up every d-floor were at aka shes my electro bitch :)

Ben cause he is a sick dj aka his mish mashed session and probly cos he taught me a few lil tricks here and there!!!

Kateosphere! we party harty bitch :)

jonny and our adventures to erina on motos to get doritos and we also rip the d-floor at nerdlingas partys haha lol

Jemma is gay shes quiting dominos aka i wont get free pizzas any more :(

SAM EDWARD HEATLEY "on the dance floor matt and i usuallu get naked and we have this dance move called the water polo spastic monkey.. its kinda creepy on the eye but we feel comfortable doing it now. "

Chivas and heatley and me are going to chemical brothers :)