Video games, movies, music, sports especially all Buffalo team sports, surfing the net
Jim Kelly of the Buffalo Bills, Bruce Smith, Jack of "24", Ryan Miller, Chris Drury, every Bills and Sabres player if I that would be a dream come true:-)value=" R.swf" /> ..
Green Day, Yellowcard, Alien Ant Farm, Black Eye Peas, like alot of the 80's songs
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal - DVD RIP - 2001
Pretty much any horror flick, Both Fast and the Furious's, Liar Liar or pretty much anytime with Jim Carey
Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch
"24", SportsCenter, Beavis and Butthead, Room Raiders, Cribs, Attack of the Show, ESPN News, ESPN2, ESPN, G4TV, MTV, MTV2, VH1 Classic, X-Files
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