emily profile picture


ohh baby... get your trash out

About Me

My name is Emily, Music is good, Moving to London in june '08, I like canadian boys. Words of wisdom: DO NOT GET TATTOOED ON YOUR RIBS.Layout made by Red Dragon %D%A%D%A %D%A%9

MyspaceDaddy.com - Myspace Codes %9%9......

My Interests

travelling, drinking beer, music, good pubs, surfing, guitars, tattoos, painting, sushi, sewing in general, good views, online tetris

I'd like to meet:

Me in an outer body experience.

Myspace Codes


hardcore, metalcore, punkrock, metal, good breaks downs and singalongs... against me! are gods.


fear and loathing, the crow, tim burton films INCLUDING big fish, detroit rock city, little miss sunshine, BORAT, stranger than fiction, ferris buellers day off, gangster fims, the breakfast club, film noir, biopics, blah blah blah bit of everything - good direction makes for a good film


miami ink, my name is earl, sex and the city


musicians bios, all the harry potter collection - jk rowling, Another day in paradise - eddie little, the picture of dorian gray - oscar wilde, no one gets out alive - danny sugermen/ jerry hopkins, wildchild - linda ashcroft, stupid white men - michael moore, the da vinci code - dan brown


if you can answer me how many legs a millipede actually has you will be my hero. and katie takes it out .... Kate you are my hero :)

My Blog

giving blood

hmm stil not sure if this is right - but i will type anyways today i thought i would be awesome adn give some blood until suddenly they informed me that i cannot give blood because i have gotten a tat...
Posted by emily on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 04:57:00 PST

getting ink!

getting my first tat next week so stoked
Posted by emily on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:35:00 PST


"death alone from death can save         love is death and so is brave     love can fill the deepest grave       ...
Posted by emily on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 06:09:00 PST