gouging out my own eye for wisdom, riding slepnir, drinkin meade, ragnarok, valkeries, and playing with mjollnir.
Thor, obi-wan Kenobi, Leadbelly, Rasputin, Merlin, Beowulf, Gil-gamesh, Count Grishnahk, and hot chicks with Hitler mustaches.
Burzum & Morrissey & Gram Parsons & The Velvet Underground & Bill Withers & Jorge Ben & The Band & Jawbreaker& Iron Maiden & Hank Williams & Irma Thomas & The Sonics & Lee Hazlewood & Dear Hearts
Excalibur & Friday. Horror movies. Heat shreds pretty hard. Big Trouble in Little China. Glory. Platoon. Band Of Brothers (I know it's really a mini-series but it's still good). Clint Eastwood. Kurosawa/Mifune flicks. Anything with Lee Marvin. Herzog. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian and other nerdy garbage. Kung Fu flicks. Spike Lee's joints like Malcom X and the 25th hour. Harold & Maude, The Godfather, Mean Streets, The 5 Obstructions, Transformers the movie(1986), blah blah blah, and so on.
the OC, SVU, and other acronym shows, but i'm not into CSI. TNT for my Law & Order marathons. The Wire. The Sopranos. Oz. The Twilight Zone. Branded. El Gordo y La Flaca. Jeopardy. METALOCALYPSE. Anything with Bobby Flay or Alton Brown. History Channel.
the Dark Knight Returns,The Autobiography of Malcom X, Confeterates in the attic, Borstal Boy, The Game, The Dirt, lords of chaos, Cosmic Banditos, The Westies, Underboss, Paddy Whacked, Mafia Dynasty and other true crime mafia books, Jane Austen by Emma, Tim Pat Coogan, Chuck Klosterman, Hesse, Vonnegut, Murakami, Bukowski, Fante, Ellroy, and Hunter S. Thompson (RIP)
Asgard and valhalla are full of heroes