Crystal profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

About Me! OMG were 2 start? Well 1st of all I love to Shop!!! If you really know me you would kno!! I am not a rude pErsOn until yOu MeSs wIth ME! ThEn Well that Is a difFerEnt story! He hehheh! I can soMetImes Be Kinda StuCk uP bUt it AlL dEpENdZ! If u rEalLy HaTe ME ThEn sTop ReAdiNg tHis aNd Get The f*** off MuH PaGe! BuT iF u DonT tHeN keEp ReAdiNg AnD hAvE fUn LoOking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i aM a VeRy daRiNg peRsOn and I wIlL dO aNythiNg anYbodY DaReS Me 2!! I aM So WiLlIn 2 TrY nEW thInGZ I aM alsO oPeN 2 any NeW PeOpLe wHo WaNnA beComE frieNdz with Me IM me @ ChUcHiBaBe001 or PrepyHolisrChica or HoTtIewaBdY4780!!! IM me if u waNNa kNo mOre About Me!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WoW wHo wOuLd I wAnNa MeEt! So MaNy peOpLe!!! WelL UmMmMMmmm.......... HilAry DuFf, BrItNey SpEArS, UsHer, AnD OMG many MoRe people~!!!!!

My Blog

PerVerTed SleepOver

Oh MuH gOd DiAnA ThAt WaZ sOoooo........ much FuN! Do U remember thAt! YeAh it WaZ aLoNg tiMe ago bUt it WaZ sO muCh FuN Nd I feLt LikE SaYiN it!!! WE Were sO PerVerTeD! It WaZ FuN! We WerE Asking guy...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:05:00 GMT