I am who I am and I don't make any excuses. I don't have any enemies in this life. If someone has a problem with me then it's their own problem, not mine. I don't judge, am not prejudice, and I love all people no matter how blind they may seem. I am confident and demanding and I am very good at deciphering through all of the bull shit, so don't even try.I also have my have my on theories on what things and here are some random thoughts on what ever I want to randomly type about:
Ok... This might sound crazy but...
I was really thinking about the black hole the other day for some reason and thinking about density of matter.
Scientist believe that the black hole is compressing matter.
Diamonds are the hardest substance known to man. And diamons come from compressed carbon.
Is hardness the same as density?
also thinking about the mecca black hole: it is expanding, collapsing and compressing matter under its own gravitational force.
I think it might be a dimond dust generator.
There use is for optical fiber like light information processers.The Truth unsought, is Truth unwrought.
It can never be experienced, if it never was sought.
The powers that be, gave us the powers to see.
Its inside of you, its inside of me.The Alpha Project 2007Imagine that you are the smallest thing in existence. The universe is equally around you at all sides. I don't care if you are the most infinitesimal point (which you will be)....but, If you shrink the observer down to that size, then my friend the observer will clearly see a sphere, but spheres can't occupy %100 of space so the physical compression would result in a wanting to be perfect polyhedron shape.
Now that perfect polyhedron will only be perfect if there were no motion but due to motion of matter in the universe the point will want to squirt out in a visscuss slip on every available occasion.grid is the perfect representation of space. Everything has its space.
There is existence fully covering this grid with energy potential.I believe that a singularity, not only has a size, I believe it has a geometry, but this is an assumption.
I don't as of right know believe that the universe reduces to infinity.There are finite points everywhere there is space. Doesn't matter if you can measure their speed or location, or size.
The logical organization of these points create a cubic grid.
cubes are cubes.
points are sphere.
compress a point or sphere tight together, don't allow for any negative space, and you get an polyhedron under pressure if nothing moved this would be energy potential at rest.
change in the dimension of any, or a combination of the octahedron or each individual wall and you get work or movement in a predictable direction.Due to the fact that no two point can ever occupy the same space, and that there are points everywhere, then when one point moves forward the points in front have to move to the side but as the particles that moved to the side displace other particles the tendency to want to snap back is great due to the rigid nature of every space being occupied by a coordinate/particle which ever way you want to put it.You can persuade a particle to move with frequencies and or pressure. light will also interact with the particle to transfer information. Heat creates pressure etc.Particles inside a larger system will Aline themselves according to frequencies and these frequencies will create geometry's that light information will transfer through like veins in a nervous system.when like particles are given the same directives they reciprocate and they coaless into seemingly one object.This is just some of my humble thoughts with little or no back grown in physics yet I see things this way. Think about it; If you were a singular coordinate, what would your shape be in a 3-D world?
If there was nothing else but the one coordinate then it would be a sphere.
If there is a coordinate everywhere and nothing moved it would be polyhedron.
If there is a coordinate everywhere and everything moved it would be dynamic.(Reality)Time is straight.
Matter is round.
space is cubic.What if the particle could see light and hear sounds. As these are two common ways that objects communicate. The patricle can gain instruction on what its job is and then do it.Every were there is space there is energy. 1 to 1
Space is fundamentally cubed.
matter is fundamentally round.Round object compressed into a cubic space creates and polyhedron which creates energy potential because it wants to squirt out.Inequality in sizes of each octahedron wall from offset creates motion in space and unloads as energy directionally.Peace,
THE ALPHA PROJECThttp://ca.geocities.com/rayredbourne/docs/40.htmI build things all the time and I know a blue print when I see one.
We have to redo the salt experiment.
We have to observe this in spheres or polyhedron with simularly shaped crystals inside of them.I perdict they will make conductivity points between the bubbles and fire like a nervous system. "NERVOUS SYSTEMS"Light information will channel through the crystals as well.Any thoughts?Hi all,The key of B flat is very important in Blues music and Jazz.Black Holes singing the blues ... that makes sense to me.I now predict that White Holes give off E major ... very popular with rock music.LOL, Rock out with your White hole out!As you guys know already I am not a scientist nor a mathematician.
I am just a observer who doesn't stop at inspecting just the surface of an idea.
I am obviously not in it for the money, nor am I trying to get a paper accepted by anyone.
Just the truth about anything that I can see for myself is what I look for.
I'm not trying to "one up" anyone either not that I could do that on here anyway...you guys are way too smart for that. But I have read mounds of information on forums and have been enjoying it because some of you people are seekers of the truth, like I,. With that said... If it looks like a dog, wags its tail, raises its leg to piss, and starts to bark, then one can comfortably conclude that it is infact a dog.
I was really looking to get some insight on weather resident frequencies in a system can create structure by aliening loose particles into patterns, and weather the complexity of these patterns mean anything. I feel that these shapes occur for a function... Not just because their pretty. So what is the usefulness of the patterns??? Anyone? I'm not asking; what it is... I'm just asking why it is, and what does it do. (use).
Peace,ALI go back and think about ethereal foam. Foam = bubbles.
Each bubble has its own tone or frequencies depending on size and its make in relation to its surroundings. like the pipes of an organ
On a flat surface sound looks like this... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...d&search=Se
What does it look like in a bubble.... The patterns will be very structured.
When bubbles touch each other the sound changes, this changes the resident frequencies in the bubble and create a new sound, and a new structure.In other words, I believe that resident frequencies creates a organized structure in bubbled systems/ particleThis is also a theory that may support the b flat black hole.When you play all of the keys in one full octave on the piano at the same time will you get a predominant tone. I'm thinking that if you do it would be a b flat this would be the simplest way, I think, to explain why Black Hole would sound a b flat because of all of the objects coming together and colliding in to a long billion year b flat note.
I know when you mix all of the colors together you get a dark Grey or black color right? This is a perfect back drop for the black hole which is so dense as to not let light move about freely. But when you think about it Light can be blocked by much lesser density.One interesting note... When played bflat to Alligators will go nuts, not so with all of the other notes.Is it the note of warning? Calamity? Danger? Stay away?You get the Idea. Any thoughts or am I just nuts?Anyway I believe that a black hole is just a breach in our bubble...One bubble deflating into another bubble. One system looses pressure while the other system gains pressure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxk3VqZZBsw (pay close attention to the effervescent tablet. I believe that we may be pressed into the annular space that he talks about at the end. But... what does it do from there? how long does it stay pressed. This formation appears to be very stable in comparison to the all of the other events.
I know that I have posted all of these things before on another post but I think they deserve a close look. So, hit me with your truths!This is just a news topic of the day and it caught my attention.
NASA has discovered that the sound of a black hole is b flat.
So I just was wondering what notes make up everything else?
I always felt that everything has its own unique song and I am wondering if we can really listen to each system large and small and get tunes.
As the full octave goes through and starts over again in a higher or lower pitch this reminds me of the cyclicle patterns of scale from atomic to subatomic. Any thoughts?It can be like a phase point between physical shapes and Aether. As soon as physical shape is generated, Aether collapses back into unphysical state without inertial mass just to generate another physical mass quanta. In the middle of this process, where there is no time nor are results of it activity noticeable ( they are outside) , nothingness nervously exists, never ceasing to try to obtain some definite form, but never fully succeeding.The difference between a sphere and square cube.
Like putting a round peg into a square hole.Time is only time to an object moving in space. I think.
No object = No time.
If an object is macro filled, then it encompasses all of time.
If an object is micro full, then is it completely empty of anything including time?I think that history, is the path that everything has taken to get to where it is now, and this is a real thing.. It has a macro meaning to me because it is all that was and all that is. Truth, and certainty.
The future is not yet real, it is not yet REALized, it has nothing to do with anything that is real or anything that was real.It is uncertainty and potential.
Because nothing in the future has occurred then the future is not yet real but we know its there and it will arrive.(like nothing)Even though you won't find this on any motivational speech anywhere, intact you probably gonna get the opposite....
The past is everything, the present is ground zero, the future is nothing.
Not exactly motivational but it is the truth.Seems almost too simple.Potential is where the magic is.The past is a reference,= Everything except for now which is logically used for reference.The present is the process,= Now, Not what is passed, not what is in the future which is logically used for processing and processes, including planning.The future is potential.= Everything that hasn't happened yet Which is logically used as a blank, nothingness, medium so that it has enough room for everything to be placed within.When you make plans for the future, really look into the future you can begin to change the future....
but the present has already been affected by planning and actions from the past
this after affect of the changing the future can be looked at as that dark energy that had much to do with affecting where we are today...(Changing future presents, from the present, using past presents from the past)This creates a spin because of revisiting the past from the present which through decision making can go back for some time and then come up with multiple avenues of options which leads to further past experiences then back to the present for action which will lead to other options which will have to lead back to references in the past etc... This will give you spin by default which is closely associated with intelligence.......................................Anyway, Thats what she said!Peace, The Alpha Project
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