*iima fLiiRt tiiLL iit hURts*® profile picture

*iima fLiiRt tiiLL iit hURts*®


About Me

HoLd uP...iif yoUr a hat3R g3t th3 fuCk oFf my paG3..aR3 b3tT3R y3t sTay oN ii don't giiV3 a fUcK...3nJoy iiT...Im kiiNd of a BiiG d3aL bUt UnL3ss y3w'v3 Liiv3d my LiiF3,don't jUdg3 m3 bc y3w don't knOw ,n3v3R haV3 & n3V3r wiLL kNow 3v3ry LitTL3 thiiNg & D3taiiL abOut m3WhaT y3w c33 iiS whaT y3w g3t
Can't haV3 uR caKe & 3at iT t3W bayb33
Thiis iiS my myspaC3 pag3 iits nOt my r3aL liif3,oR my wHoL3 liiF3 th3r3s a Lot y3w don't kNow abOut m3 ii shaR3 what ii waNna shaR3 && k33p pRiiVat3 whaT ii waNt pRiivat3 C'mmm oN p3opL3 iits jUst MYSPac3.... *i ain't made up im 4real this is my official page bayb33..4 th3 pPL whO kNow m3 Luv m3..aNd w3LL foR th3 uNpRiiViiL3g3d oN3s aLL ii gotZ t3w say sUxs t3w b33 y3w haha..aM d3Rt3RmiN3d on3 doS3 of m3,iLL haV3 y3w ADDicT3d..tHE naME iS mEliSsa a.k.a caK3.. geT iT RIGHt..im wuN of a kind & haRd t3w fiiNd..im so infaMous 3v3ryon3 wants t3w holla u f33l.. But soRry noT lOokiN 4 suM1 tO hoLd m3 dowN..rt noW iM th3 happ3st iv3 3v3r b33N & iMa thRow iT iN uR fac3 TiLL u g3t it..ima peaCe & luV kiNda giRL..pRetTy laybaCk.. Strong Lover, & Believer Huge dreamer & achiever.. mOst caring p3rSon you'll 3v3r mEet.. ALwayS 1 st3p ah3ad of th3 gaM3..S3nsitiv3 nOt aT aLL..Cant figur3 m3 out gOOd i luV t3w kE3p pEopL3 taLkiNg, guEssiNg,thiNkiNg,wOnd3riNg..... is sH3 thiS r iS sh3 thAt.... v3rY haRd 4 m3 t3w oP3n uP...ii don't tRust no wuN..i date & undat3..I juSt wannA b33 m3 n b33 fR33 & liiv3 mii Liif3 th3 way ii waNna Liiv3 iit noT TH3 way y3w waNt m3 t3w..why don't th3y jUst aLL baCk uP ofF m3 kuZ no maTt3r whaT iima dO whaT3v3R th3 fUck ii waNna dO aND th3R3S nO oN3 t3w sTOP mE :)...im a sUcK3r 4 th3 lil thiNgS...I ch3Rish my faMiLy & fri3nds... goTta lUv th3m yeaH th3rE tOp fUnny & tOp mucH bUt thaTs hoW w3 rOW duh LoL..my Liif3 r3voLv3s aRouNd th3 p3opL3 iiN iit.. I hav3 z3ro toL3raNc3 4 lii3Rs..iMa BE FAMOUS sO stiCk arOunD..but anyways thiiS iis my pag3 3njoy iit lov3 iit but pl3az3 don't tRy to liiV3 iit. tHiis iis my fabOlous liif3 sO don't jOck m3..trUst u wouldn't last a s3Cond in my shO3s. *ii liiV3 N lOv3/don't Lov3*

My Interests

y3w caLL m3 s3LfiiSh Liik3 iits a bad thiiNg..y3ah iim s3LfiiSh & iLL t3LL iit t3w uR faC3... I aLso mak3 miistak3s & iLL k33p oN tiiLL iit huRts... iim out of coNtrol aNd at tiim3s haRd t3w haNdl3.
ii hav3 GOALS && sOm3thiing tO lOOk fOrward tO my liif3 iis tOo PR3CIOUS.. LeFT MytRu3 stOry...ii was tiir3d oF pLaying h3Lpl3ss liitTl3 giirL. ii waS siiCK of haviing mY 3 brok3N it was tiim3 4 m3 t3w dO stuff th3 guyS do... l3ad'3M oN aND ditcH "3M.. && whO"s phon3 n3v3r sTOPS rINgiing? MIN3 b3caUS3 ii L3arn3d How tO pLay thE FUCKING gAm3...LmAo.. Ima fLiiRt tiiLL iit huRts..ima dat3 Lik3 a guY sO ii dONT g3T play3D Lik3 a BiTcH...haha...

I'd like to meet:

MariiaH caR3y && biizZy bOn3..
M3 && ch3rRy


*h3art mii pii3*my tOp fuNny fRii3Nds & patTy t3w..Sup3r fuN niit3


wh3N ii h3aR mUsiiC iit maK3s m3 daNc3....mUsiiC iis my addiiCtiiOn


pi3 && caK3


suM of th3 fambaMm3 && th3 moth3R





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