Let's see here, i always thought this myspace shit is gay, but dammit, if you can't beat them, join'em. My whole purpose though is to really get out my shop's name. "Phat Plantz" is my store name and growing is my forte. For those that do not know what hydroponics is:Pronunciation: "hi-dro-'pä-niks
Function: noun plural but singular in construction
Etymology: hydr- + -ponics (as in geoponics agriculture)
: the growing of plants in nutrient solutions with or without an inert medium to provide mechanical support
In lamens terms, it's growing any type of plant or vegetable without using dirt. Amazing you say, yes indeed it is. It is a new era in agriculture, especially for those who are self-conscious about their health. Meaning that you can grow organic vegetables in your own backyard without those harmful chemicals that you find in your grocery stores. Plus, if you know someone that knows me, there will of course be a homie discount!